
lunatic adj.1.瘋癲的,精神錯亂的。2.瘋狂的;極端愚蠢的。...

lunatic asylum

Who was the lunatic who gave the baby matches to play with 是哪個白癡把火柴拿給嬰兒玩的

He would hunt me down like a deranged lunatic 他會象個瘋子一樣追捕我

You ' re driving on the wrong side of the road , you lunatic 你現在是逆行開車,你這個蠢材!

You ' re a fucking lunatic , you know that 你是個他媽的神經病,你知道嗎

Helpless in the hands of a drooling lunatic 無助的被說胡話的瘋子控制著

In tree or wildflower gentle lunatic 無論是樹還是野花都有些淡淡的瘋狂

My leg hurts so bad that i cant fight those lunatics 但我打不過那些瘋子

Yeah . got shot , didn ' t he ? bit of a lunatic 對,被打死了,是嗎?有點瘋

You ' ve no one . apart from that lunatic this morning 你誰也找不到,除了今天早晨那個瘋子

Must we continue to listen to the ramblings of a lunatic 難道你會相信他的風言風語嗎?

Sid , i told you they ' re dangerous lunatics . - sam 希德,我告訴你他們是危險的瘋子山姆

And he wouldn ' t have a lunatic living in his house 還說他不會讓一個瘋子住在他的房子里

The man ' s lunatic behavior is a menace to society 那個人的瘋狂行為構成對社會的威脅。

- and he ' s a murderous , raving lunatic . - thanks , ron 他又是個兇殘的瘋子謝謝了,羅恩

I ' m counting on you to talk sense into the lunatic 我指著你讓那個瘋子說些有道理的話

They ' re not lunatics , you know ? . gotta kill it 他們不是瘋子,你明白嗎? .必須殺了它

You ' re a raving lunatic . you scare me 你這個語無倫次的瘋子,你嚇壞我了。

A few more lunatics like those dentists , merton , 一些像那牙醫一樣的“瘋子”

You got that , you crazy - eyed , lunatic - pervert - witch ? 你這個斜眼變態丑巫婆