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lunar new year 陰歷新年,春節。

lunar observation

Lunar new year series no . 8 ( year of the dog ) souvenir card 生肖系列第八號(歲次丙戌狗年)紀念卡

Opening hours of public libraries during lunar new year holidays 香港公共圖書館農歷新年期間開放時間

Chief executive delivers lunar new year message with photos video 行政長官發表農歷新年賀辭附圖短片

Flight movements to break record in lunar new year , ( 322005 ) 農歷新年航班升降數目將創高峰( 322005 )

07 feb - lunar new year s day 二月七日(星期四) -農歷年初一

Auctions for nt lunar new year fair stalls to start on november 22 新界區年宵市場攤位周三起公開競投

Flight movements to break record in lunar new year , ( 712003 ) 農歷新年航班升降數目將創高峰( 712003 )

Number of daily flights to peak at lunar new year , ( 2012000 ) 農歷新年航班升降數目將創高( 2012000 )

Daily maximum temperature on lunar new year s day degree celsius 年初一的日最高氣溫攝氏度年月日

All post offices would be closed during the lunar new year holidays 所有郵局亦會在該段期間關閉。

Mon , the lunar new year holidays and the christmas day holidays 逢星期一農歷新年假期及圣誕節假期

Daily minimum temperature on lunar new year s day degree celsius 年初一的日最低氣溫攝氏度年月日

Celebrating the lunar new year with master 與師父共度新春佳節

M ( michael ) : what do chinese do during the chinese lunar new year 邁克爾)中國人過年會做些什么?

Expenses for the lunar new year 2000 exhibits and gift distribution 悠樂新年贈禮活動費用明細表

Closed at 5 : 00 pm on christmas eve and lunar new year s eve 圣誕節前夕農歷大除夕開放至下午五時

Lunar new year series no . 7 ( year of rooster ) souvenir card 生肖系列七號(歲次乙酉-雞年)紀念卡

The lunar new year holidays are from february 17 to 20 (二月十七日至二月二十日為農歷新年假期)

Updates on lunar new year food test results 賀年食品最新測試結果