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lunar month 太陰月〔約29 1/2日〕。

lunar naut

However , most of the working people can enjoy a week - long public holiday , during which the most important are the new year ' s eve and the first three days of the first lunar month 然而,多數工薪人員能夠享有一個一星期長的公眾假日,期間最重要的是除夕以及第一個農歷月的頭三天。

Many events marked the lunar month 5 day 5 holiday , including traditional dragon boat races , eating vazang , gifting decorative vazang - shaped potpouri packs , and making an egg stand 五月祭有真儕傳統耶活動,有扒龍船、呷肉粽、 ?香包送郎、擱有立蛋,道是乎一粒雞卵?起來。

Contrary to the popular belief according to which the lucky days are the days of even date , like 2 , 4 , 8 , 10 . . . in a lunar month in the chinese calendar 老百姓的信仰認為吉日必定是農歷月份內的偶數日子,如2 , 4 , 8 , 10 .我們注意到,這并非如此:只要驗證幾個日子即可。

Traditionally , people gather to watch the bore on the birthday of the god of the tides on the 18th day of the 8th lunar month from the vantage point of yanguan town , haining city 習俗相傳,農歷八月十八是潮神生日,人們會到海寧市鹽官鎮的優越位置觀潮。

On the twenty - sixth day of every first lunar month , lots of worshippers will go to the kwun yam temple in hung hom to “ borrow money “ from the goddess treasury 紅?觀音廟香火鼎盛,除由于信眾大贊此廟的觀音最靈驗外,觀音廟背后原來還有一段引人入勝的傳聞。

Strictly speaking , the spring festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year 嚴格地說,春天節日每年在早期的第12個太陰月中開始和將會持續直到那在第一個太陰月之中那在明年。

According to the folk legend , the 2nd day of the second lunar month is the very day for the dragon king who is in charge of clouds and rains to raise his head 民間傳說,每逢農歷二月初二,是天上主管云雨的龍王抬頭的日子;從此以后,雨水會逐漸增多起來。

On the 6th , 16th and 26th of every lunar month , men and women who want a happy marriage come to the lovers rock to burn joss sticks and candles in sincere worship 祈求天賜良緣的男女,每逢農歷初六、十六及二十六均會來到姻緣石,焚燒香燭,誠心參拜。

The locals re - gathered and lit up torches to burn the harmful insects . until the 24th day of the 6th lunar month , all harmful insects were eventually burned dead 人們又集合起來,點燃一支支火把去燒害蟲,最后把害蟲全部燒死了,這一天正好是六月廿四日。

The public holiday for new year lasts 3 days in china , but the festival traditionally lasts till the 15th day of the lunar month and ends with the “ lantern festival “ 中國春節的公眾假期是3天,但是這個節日傳統上會持續到正月十五,以“燈節”作為結束。

The public holiday for new year lasts 3 days in china , but the festival traditionally lasts till the 15th day of the lunar month and ends with lantern festival 在中國,新年的公共假期有三天,但傳統上春節一直要持續到正月十五,即元宵節后結束。

The festival falls on 23rd day of the 3rd lunar month . however , tin hau festival in tsing yi lasts from 1st day to 5th day of the 4th lunar month each year 雖然天后誕為每年農歷三月廿三日,青衣天后誕的誕期刖為農歷四月初一日至初五日。

The dragon boat festival , the 5th day of the 5th lunar month , has had a history of more than 2 , 000 years . it is usually in june in the gregorian calendar 端午節(農歷5月5日)是中國古老的傳統節日,始于春秋戰國時期,至今已有2000多年歷史。

Strictly speaking , the spring festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year 嚴格的講,春節會從農歷12月的早些時候開始一直持續到轉年農歷1月的中期。

Every year worshipers flock to the temple on the birthday of tin hau ( the 23rd day of the third lunar month ) to pray for peace and prosperity 每年農歷三月廿三日是天后誕,有很多善信前往天后宮參拜,祈求風調雨順,四季平安。

Thus , as the lunar month is only about 29 1 / 2 solar days , the tithi does not coincide with the natural day ( ahoratra ) 因此,太陰月只不過是相當于大約291 / 2個太陽日,提泰并沒有與自然日(阿豪拉塔)相符。

A chinese year can have 12 or 13 lunar months , that correspond to the nomber of new moons between two successive winter solstices 中國農歷每年可以有12或者13個月,這個數字就是兩個冬至之間的新月數量。

He decided to send the magic goose who could breathe out flames to burn up the world on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month 因此他派會噴火的神鵝在正月十五日這一晚上來到人間,要把人間燒光。

This is a traditional festival of the miao people in the southeastern guizhou . it falls on the 13th to the 16th of the 2nd lunar month 蘆笙節是黔東南苗族人民的傳統節日。時間是農歷二月十三至十六。