
lunar adj.1.月的,月球上的;按月球的運轉而測定的。2.似...

lunar bone

Stars shine - 17 october 2005 partial lunar eclipse 觀星樂2005年10月17日月偏食

Here is the date in the chinese lunar calendar 以下是您需要的陰歷日子陽歷日子

Conversion of gregorian calendar - chinese lunar calendar 陽歷和中國農歷的換算

To safeguard your health during lunar new year travel 給新春旅游人士的健康指引

In 305 days . year in the chinese lunar calendar 在中國農歷或者中國陰歷里的一年

Last night was the first moon of the lunar cycle 昨天晚上是月圓之日的第一個晚上

Do you know what it is according to the lunar calendar 你知道那天是農歷幾號嗎?

In lunar terms , it starts 16th day of 4 th moon 以陰歷來說開始于四月的第十六天

Lunar of , involving , caused by , or affecting the moon 藏匿藏或貯存于一秘密處所

Hongkong post issues special lunar new year stamps 香港郵政發行農歷新年特別郵票

Forthcoming lunar eclipses from 2005 to 2010 由2005至2010年地球上可見月食資料

Health advice for travellers during the lunar new year 給新春旅游人士的健康指引

There are two major lunar formation models . in the 現時有兩個流行的月球形成理論

Stars shine - 24 april 2005 penumbral lunar eclipse 觀星樂2005年4月24日月半影食

The warmest lunar new year s day 18 february 2007 最溫暖的年初一2007年02月18日

China has the earliest record of a solar prominence in the world. carried in the oracle bone inscriptions of the yin dynasty ( in the 14th century b.c. ) were the routine records of the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse , and the earliest record of a solar prominence in the world . 殷朝甲骨文中,已有日食和月食的常規紀錄,以及世界上最早的日珥記錄。

The analysis of lunar rocks and soil samples has led to a number of tentative conclusions about the past history of our satellite . 對月球巖和土壤樣品進行分析,可得出有關我們的這顆衛星過去歷史的一些初步的結論。

From lunar occultation experiments at infrared wavelengths, it has been determined that the dust shell can be represented by two components . 通過紅外波段的月掩星觀測,已經確定該塵埃殼是由兩個成分原組成。

The names of the various lunar formations and lunar landscapes mostly date back to the early history of visual lunar observation . 各種月面結構物和地形的名稱,大都起源于月球目測觀測史的早期。