
lunacy n.1.瘋癲,精神錯亂。2.蠢笨的行為,瘋狂的行為。


An elderly female , no more young , left the building of the courts of chancery , king s bench , exchequer and common pleas , having heard in the lord chancellor s court the case in lunacy of potterton , in the admiralty division the summons , exparte motion , of the owners of the lady cairns versus the owners of the barque mona , in the court of appeal reservation of judgment in the case of harvey versus the ocean accident and guarantee corporation 一位上了歲數不再年輕的婦女正從大法院高等法院稅務法庭和高級民事法院共用的大廈里踱了出來。她剛在大法官主持的法庭里旁聽了波特頓神經錯亂案;在海事法庭上聆聽了“凱恩斯夫人號”船主們對“莫納號”三桅帆船船主們一案的申訴以及當事者一方的辯解;在上訴法庭,傾聽了法庭所做關于暫緩審判哈維與海洋事故保險公司一案的決定。

There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural , as distinct from human law , as integral parts of the human whole : the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance : the painful character of the ultimate functions of separate existence , the agonies of birth and death : the monotonous menstruation of simian and particularly human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause : inevitable accidents at sea , in mines and factories : certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations , innate lunacy and congenital criminality , decimating epidemics : catastrophic cataclysms which make terror the basis of human mentality : seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions : the fact of vital growth , through convulsions of metamorphosis from infancy through maturity to decay 生與死的痛苦。類人猿和尤其是人類女性那單調的月經,自初潮期一直延續到閉經期。海洋上礦山和工廠里那些不可避免的事故某些非常痛苦的疾病以及伴隨而來的外科手術生來的瘋顛,先天性犯罪癖導致人口大批死亡的傳染病在人類心靈深處種下恐怖種子的災難性特大洪水震中位于人口密集地區的大地震歷經劇烈變形,自幼年經過成熟期進入衰退期的生命成長的事實。

Scott sinclair is a great prospect but he is only a youngster and expecting him to just breeze into the team and be immediately world class ( which would be what is required of him ) is lunacy 我在幾個星期前寫過一些關于馬盧達的文字,而我對他的感覺在和利物浦的比賽中得到進一步確認。

With arms lowered , he evaded punches by bending backwards at the waist - - a defensive move that at the time was seen as sheer lunacy 他垂下手臂,往后彎腰閃避打來的拳頭這在當時被認為是極為愚蠢的防御動作。

Fine , fine . they want a fight . we will give them a fight that they will never forget . this is an act of lunacy 好的.他們想試試看.我們會給他們點顏色看看,讓他們永遠都忘不了.這么做是不切實際的

She saw that he stood on the verge of lunacy , if he had not already stepped across it 她親眼看到,他已經站到發瘋的邊緣如果說他還沒有跨過那邊緣處于瘋狂狀態的話。

Is lunacy ! - men shouting 簡直就是發瘋!

@ # 3 ) , and then the madman had been returned to village after suppressed lunacy ,所以在壓制了病情后又被送回了村子。

Tuberculosis , lunacy , war and mendicancy must now cease 一切肺病精神病戰爭與行乞必須立即絕跡。

How in the lunacy of your mind is hip - hop music of the oppressor ? 你這瘋子怎么說街頭音樂傷感?

The daily parade of lunacies that constitute the news 每天那些蠢事的集合? ?謂之新聞

If that was the sort of lunacy we were going to get mixed up in, he, luke, for one, hadn't bargained on it . 假使我們同這等狂人打交道的話,那么別人不說,至少他盧克是沒有料想到的。

His real perturbation of mind would be best covered and pass concealed under a disguise of pretended lunacy . 在假裝瘋狂的掩護下,他的心神真的不安倒可以巧妙地遮蓋起來了。

His real perturbation of mind would be best covered and pass concealed under a disguise of pretended lunacy . 在假裝瘋狂的掩護下,他心神的真正不安倒可以巧妙地遮蓋起來。

These were the titles under which these lunacies occurred . 這些瘋瘋癲癲的事就是在這些名堂下干出來的。

This is sheer cock-eyed lunacy, absolute lunacy . 這純粹是一派胡言亂語,十足的瞎說八道。

O'brien had tortured him to the edge of lunacy . 奧勃良快把他折磨到了神經錯亂的地步。

But all this was essentially dreamy lunacy . 但這一切基本上是迷夢和狂想。

What you're doing here is sheer lunacy . 你們在這做的事,干脆就是發瘋。