
lumpy adj.(lumpier, lumpiest)1.多團塊...

lumpy jaw

All former lumpy - fishing tackle shop operators can enjoy the local exclusive “ lumpy - “ brand products , and the introduction of the company after many years of successful business and fishing tackle chain sales experience and will be continued operation and management support 所有加盟磊森釣具專賣店的經營者,都能享有在當地獨家經營“磊森”品牌產品,并采用本公司經過多年的商業及釣具連鎖店成功的銷售經驗,而且會得到持續的運作與管理支持。

Grits look like white , lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall - paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter , salt , and gravy ( especially red - eye gravy , which is made with pan drippings and coffee ) 玉米糝看上去就像是團塊狀的白色燕麥粥,如果不拌上大量的黃油、鹽和肉汁(尤其是火腿汁,由加蔞葉的烤肉油汁和咖啡制成) ,那味道比貼墻紙用的漿糊還要差。

There have never been scrapie , bovine spongiform encephalopathy , african horse sickness , african swine fever , vesicular stomatitis , lumpy skin disease , rift valley fever and peste - des - petits ruminants in china 中國境內從未發生過癢病、牛海綿狀腦病、非洲馬瘟、非洲豬瘟、水泡性口炎、結節性皮炎、裂谷熱和小反芻獸疫。

Business risks that were once seen as a lumpy fact of life are now routinely sliced up and packaged into combinations that generally suit issuers and investors alike 曾一度被認為是人生迭宕起伏的真實寫照的商業風險,現在通常被分散后再重新組合成分別適合證券發行者和投資者的資產組合。

The narrow f ring , a tangle of several lumpy strands , sits isolated just beyond saturn ' s a ring and also is straddled by two moons , pandora and prometheus 比較窄的f環,像幾股粗細不規則的纜繩纏絞在一起,孤單地坐落于土星的a環之外,并有兩顆衛星土衛十七和土衛十六跨于兩旁。

Where transactions are “ lumpy ” , as in the commercial aircraft industry , the short - term profits from undercutting rivals are too big to resist 但類似民用航空這種價格“奢侈”的行業,情形就不同了,其針對競爭對手降價帶來的短期利益之豐厚,實在令人難以抗拒。

The clouds lead you to boundless imagination . they are lumpy and ever - changing , sometimes like a sheep or a flying horse . these tricks are played out by cumulus clouds 天上的白云給人無限的想像空間,一團一團的,有時像綿羊,有時像飛馬,千變萬化。

Yet however terrestrial and lumpy their appearance just now to the mean unglamoured eye , to themselves the case was different 雖然她們的外貌現在在一雙平常的眼睛看來,顯得肥胖臃腫庸俗平凡,但是在她們自己看來卻是全然不同的。

Bet she wears those curse of god stays suspenders and yellow stockings , darned with lumpy wool . talk about apple dumplings , piuttosto 但是她準穿著那討厭的綴有吊襪帶的緊身褡和用粗糙的羊毛線織成的淺黃長襪。

The pictures show that it was already lumpy ; the denser areas went on to become galaxies , stars and planets 照片顯示它已經處于不均勻的狀態;更為致密的區域開始形成銀河、恒星和行星。

Testing of ceramic materials ; determination of the acid resistance , method with lumpy test material for clay for severage 陶瓷材料的檢驗.用下水道瓦管材料結塊試驗方法測定耐

3 try to avoid lumpy and rigid food , or cut into smaller biter for consumption 3不要用前牙啃食過硬的食物,可先將它們切成小塊放入口內。

Sometimes , fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast 有時纖維囊性變導致乳腺更多的腫塊出現。

Therefore , you will be joining the lumpy - the most successful choice 所以,加盟磊森將是您最成功的選擇。

Iike - like this lumpy old mattress 就像這塊又老又丑的床墊

“ good - bye , father , “ said tess , with a lumpy throat “爸爸,再見啦! ”苔絲喉頭哽咽地說。

Internally , the moon also appears to be quite lumpy 月球內部似乎非常不均勻且多處結塊。

Good - bye , father , said tess , with a lumpy throat “我走啦,爸爸。 ”苔絲哽咽著說。

“good-bye, father,“ said tess, with a lumpy throat . “爸爸,再見啦!”苔絲喉頭哽咽地說。