
lump 短語和例子lump1n.1.塊,團。2.皰,腫瘤,癤子。...

lump sucker

The cost of these two trips can be lumped together 這兩次旅行的費用可以合在一起。

I have a lump in my throat . do you have any champagne 我喉嚨有腫塊。你有香檳嗎?

The oatmeal lumps if you don ' t stir it well 如果你不好好攪拌,麥片粥會結塊。

Factor analysis of continuous miner on coal lump 連續采煤機參數對煤塊度影響的分析

Painless lump . indigestion or swallowing difficulties 胃部不適或有吞咽困難。

The girl takes a lump of sugar from the box 271這個小姑娘從盒子里拿了一塊方糖。

Of his poem ode to a small lump of green putty “我仲夏的早晨找到的綠色小羊”

In the lump they were hard working people 就整體而言,他們都是辛勤的勞動者。

There is a wart - like lump on the sole of right foot 我右腳底有個像肉疣般的硬塊。

Only one lump of sugar in my tea , if you please 勞駕,紅茶里我只要一塊糖就夠了。

Method of test for clay lumps contained in aggregates 集料中粘土塊含量的試驗方法

Then the lump tea is the tea compressed together 那么磚茶是擠壓在一起的茶了?

If because of the pursuit of our strategy and the accident of the timing of the election we are now in a public relations corner, we must take our lumps and see it through . 假如由于執行我們戰略的緣故和這次大選時間的偶然性,我們在公眾關系方面處于困境的話,我們必須咽下這口氣,挺過去。

I won their gratitude by buying out all the hogs at the lump sum of sixteen pennies, which was rather above latest quotations . 我花了十六個便士,把那些豬包圓兒了,真叫他們感激不盡,按照最近的行市,這個價錢倒是未免太高了。

An element is lumped if its terminal relation is an ordinary differential equation as opposed to a partial differential equation . 如果一個元素的端子關系是一個常微分方程,其反面為一個偏微方程,則它是集總的。

The poets, one so praised, are lumped unceremoniously together in our textbooks, in one curt chapter . 那些名噪一時的詩人,在今天的教科書里已被毫不客氣地擠在一起,列為短短的一章。

As the temperature falls, the atoms fall together, clump in lumps and reduce to liquids, solids and molecules . 當溫度下降時,原子擠在一起,集結成群,凝縮成液體,固體和分子。

He wondered what sort of place it was: a barren lump of rock, or a thriving community of farmers ? 他不知那是個什么樣的地方:是一塊光禿禿的巖石,還是農家集居的繁華之地?

The gravitational attractions of the pieces of dust for one another might make them form little lumps . 塵埃片與片之間由引力而產生的吸引,可能會使它們形成一些小的團塊。