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luminous intensity 【物理學】發光強度。


The testing result of luminescent properties shows that the luminescent performance of the sample synthesized with sol - gel methods was better than the one synthesized with solid state reaction . the luminous intensity of phosphor - powder synthesized by sol - gel method is 65mcd / m2 after the sample was excitated 300s . and the decay time of the sample is 380min 對樣品余輝性能的測試結果表明,溶膠-凝膠法樣品較高溫固相法樣品余輝性能有很大提高,樣品在激發后300s時的余輝強度65mcd m ~ 2 ,測量余輝時間為380min 。

It utilizes the computer digital image processing technology . and this system can measure the characteristic parameters automatically and quickly , such as luminous intensity , center of far light , corner of the close light . the advantage is high accuracy , good repetition and automatic measurement 此系統采用多維精密可調工作臺,并利用計算機數字圖像處理技術,以vc + +編程實現,達到了自動測量出被測校準器的發光強度,遠光中心坐標,近光拐點坐標以及光軸偏角等特征參數的目的。

Through the theory of light radiation and intensity , we can use the fewest leds to satisfy the luminous intensity demand . through image segmentation theory , we can accurately pick module up from the test stripe when it is put in wrong directions . through image processing theory , we can acquire correct information and avoid the bad effects from the asymmetric chemistry reaction and instability of the devices 用光的輻射和強度理論,我們計算出了獲得足夠圖像強度所需的最少光源;用圖像分割理論,我們在試紙條傾斜放置或有垂直方向上的偏移時,準確地提取出了各模塊的數據;用平滑濾波和均值濾波理論,我們濾除了由于反應不均勻及硬件設備不穩定帶來的噪聲;用交遇區設計線性分類器的方法,我們降低了有限樣本設計線性分類器帶來的誤差,提高了檢驗準確度。

The assembly completed led words designs elegant appearance , it luminous intensity is higher than traditional lamp box character 3 - 5 time , has anti - characteristic and so on typhoon , entire waterproofing and low pressure security , becomes making the high level led special large brush - written chinese character perfect solution wilfully 組裝完成的led打字圖案美觀大方,其發光強度高于傳統燈箱字3 - 5倍,更具有抗臺風全防水和低壓安全等特性,成為任意做高層led特大字完美解決方案。

The equipment is also widely used in motor vehicles and test center ( field station , line ) , the manufacturing plant , maintenance industries , transportation companies and fleet of motor vehicle headlamps on the luminous intensity and volume of optical axis deviation was detected , adjustments 該儀器廣泛使用于機動車檢測中心(場、站、線) 、制造廠、維修行業、運輸公司和車隊,對各種機動車前照燈的發光強度和光軸偏斜量進行檢測、調整。

Curve traced on an imaginary sphere with the source at its center and joining all the points corresponding to those directions in which the luminous intensity is the same , or a plane projection of this curve 在一個以光源為圓心的虛擬的球面上,將光源射向球體上光強相同的各方向的點用線連接起來,就成為等光強曲線。

The angular extent in a specified plane which contains all the radius vectors of the polar curve of luminous intensity having lengths greater than a specified fraction of the maximum 在某一平面上,一定角寬范圍內所包含的光強極軸曲線上的矢徑長度均大于其最大值的某一特定比例,這種情況定義為光束的發散。

3 the luminous intensity of daylight signalling lamps should have its maximum in the centre of the luminous intensity distribution . it should decrease evenly from the centre of luminous intensity distribution 白晝信號燈的發光強度最大值應位于發光強度范圍的中心,并應均勻地自中心向發光強度范圍內減少。

The luminous intensity of phosphor - powder synthesized by this method is 32mcd / m2 after the sample was excitated 300s , and the decay time of the sample is 350min 該法制備出的發光粉激發后300s時的余輝強度32mcd m ~ 2 ,測量余輝時間為350min 。

Photometric evaluation of projectors ; simplified evaluation of projectors with rotationally symmetrical luminous intensity distribution for the use in film and television studios and stages 聚光燈的光學評估.電影電視攝影室和舞臺用的旋轉對

Photometric evaluation of projectors ; simplified evaluation of projectors with non - rotationally symmetrical luminous intensity distribution for use in film and television studios and stages 聚光燈的光學評估.電影電視攝影室和舞臺用的非旋轉

The angle ( in the plane through the beam axis ) over which the luminous intensity drops to a stated percentage of its peak intensity 在光束的軸面上,光強值降至其峰值某一比例時所對應的角度。

2 the axial luminous intensity of daylight signalling lamps should reach at least 90 % of the maximum luminous intensity 白晝信號燈的軸向發光強度至少應達到最大發光強度的90 % 。

An instrument for measuring a property of light , especially luminous intensity or flux 光度計用來測量光的性質、尤其是光的強度和通量的儀器

Luminous intensity angle 光強角度分布測量儀

Luminous intensity standard lamp 發光強度標準燈

Luminous intensity guide unit Led發光二極管常識

The method and results for international comparison of luminous intensity unit 發光強度單位國際比對方法和結果

Standard lamp of luminous intensity 發光強度標準燈