
luminosity n.1.光明,光輝。2.【物理學】發光度;(輻射能的)發...


Gain an understanding of tonal range and how to adjust lighting and exposures using techniques like luminosity masking , light painting and creative ways of combining multiple exposures 本教學教授色調范圍的基本知識,并告訴大家如何在圖象中調整光線,暴光,與色彩合成

When studying type ia supernovae , astronomers found that not only they have similar light curve , they also have the same peak luminosity 在研究ia型超新星type ia supernovae時,天文學家發現它們不單在光度變化上非常相似,而且在最光亮時的亮度也極為一致。

In both the restaurant and the lounge of the island pacific hotel , a spectacular glass facade blends the opulence of the interiors and the luminosity of the victoria harbour 不論是咖啡廳或是酒吧,全天候玻璃幕墻令室內絢爛的格調與維港融為一體。

Therefore , the color of a star is mainly determined by its surface temperature , but its luminosity is determined both by its surface temperature and the surface area 所以,恒星的顏色由表面溫度所決定,而恒星的光度則由表面溫度和表面面積所決定。

Easily accessible , completely the luminosity is good , there are district gardens . the large balcony of lavatory of independent kitchen , build the bridal chamber hard - coverly 交通便利,透光度好,有小區花園。獨立廚廁大陽臺,精裝修新房。

This subject focus on the issues about how to resolve the luminosity of led module . we devised a set device for measuring luminosity of led module 設計了一套顯示模塊的控制和驅動電路,采用亮度測試儀對顯示模塊的亮度進行測試。

Bepc and bes are the only tools of its kind in the world , which operate in the tau - charm energy region with high luminosity 子計數器的分辨率是北京正負電子對撞機的重要性能指標,其z向分辨率是決定探測器的性能好壞的標準。

The star becomes very big and the surface temperature decreases , although the core temperature is still very high and the total luminosity is also high 雖然核心仍保持熾熱,但膨脹令表面溫度下降,結果星光變紅,最后演化為一顆

This system consist of a single - chip microcomputer , a controlling circuit board , a driving circuit board and sensor for luminosity 采用單片機803設計、制作led顯示模塊掃描控制板;選用cs - 100色度色差儀來作為亮度傳感器。

Recent observations vindicate the assumption : a direct velocity - mass correlation is even tighter than the velocity - luminosity correlation 最近的觀測證實了這項假設:速度與質量的直接關系甚至比速度與光度的關系更為緊密。

Is the most important diagram in discussing stellar evolution . it is a plot of the surface temperature versus the brightness or luminosity of stars 是研究恒星演化最重要的工具,它顯示了恒星表面溫度和恒星光度的關系。

While touring their four hundred million revolutions around the machine , a number of effects contribute to dilute the beams and degrade the luminosity 當粒子正在環行4億圈時,有幾種效應會使粒子束變弱,亮度變暗。

We know the luminosity is directly related to the absolute magnitude . so , in practice , we usually use absolute magnitudes instead 由于光度和絕對星等有直接的對應關系,所以很多時赫羅圖會選用絕對星等。

And on the base of this model , we gain its equation of extinction , consequently can adjust the supernova ' s luminosity distance 并在此模型的基礎上推導出了它的消光公式,從而能夠校準超新星的光度距離。

Main sequence stars have stable luminosities and sizes . to be honest , they are quite boring compare to their deaths 主序星的光度和大小十分穩定,或者你可以說相對于恒星的死亡舞曲,主序階段相當沈悶。

The second chapter clarifies luminosity and chroma measure keystone , measure methods and instruments word theory 第二章闡述了光度和色度測量的基本原理,測量的方法及其儀器的工作原理。

“ for a poetic oeuvre of great luminosity , sustained by a historical vision , the outcome of a multicultural commitment 他的作品具有巨大的啟發性和廣闊的歷史視野,是其獻身多種文化的結果

These unprecedented energy and luminosity values impose new and stringent requirements on the machine design and performances 這種前所未有的能量和亮度給設計與運行帶來了嚴酷的考驗。

Their periods , in the range of a few days to a few months , have a definite relation with the luminosities 最特別的是,它們的光變周期和光度有直接的關系,周期越長,亮度越大。