
luminometer n.【物理學】照度計。


The hardware is composed of digital luminometer , rotate encoder , step motor and data acquisition card , solenoid - operated clutches . the software is developed in visual c + + 6 . 0 which is an oop programming environment and has plenty of resource to use . this system can implement high speed , automatic measurement 課題對測定系統進行了總體設計,硬件部分由數字照度計、旋轉編碼器、步進電機、電磁離合器等組成,軟件部分利用acl - 8216數據采集卡,以vc + + 6 . 0作為軟件開發平臺,充分利用vc + + 6 . 0生成友好界面的優勢和acl - 8216的資源,開發出了測試系統。

Standard test method for luminometer numbers of aviation turbine fuels 航空渦輪機燃料發光計值的標準試驗方法

05 . 01 test method for luminometer numbers of aviation turbine fuels 航空渦輪機燃料光度計數目測試方法

Aviation turbine fuels - determination of luminometer numbers 噴氣燃料輝光值測定法