
luminescence n.【物理學】發光,發螢[冷、磷]光。adj.-nesc...

luminescent screen

In addition the surface - modified zno nanoparticles are found to enhance the band edge luminescence 通過添加表面活性劑,使粒子的表面得到修飾,從而增強了紫外發射。

The blue - white luminescence ( max wavelength at about 455 nm ) band can be observed under a uv lamp 在非水溶劑(乙醇)中高壓電解鋅板,制得了室溫下光致發光的h 。

Study on selecting the best treating dose of the static electric field with the methed of super - weak luminescence of seed 應用生物超弱發光篩選靜電場的最佳處理劑量

Physics of radiation in the field of optics and illuminating engineering ; definitions in the field of luminescence 光學領域的輻射物理學及照明技術.發光領域的定義

Foodstuffs - detection of irradiated food using photostimulated luminescence ; german version en 13751 : 2002 食品.使用光致發光法探測被輻照的食品;德文版本en

Changes of cytomorphology and phago - luminescence function of white blood cell in benzene exposed workers 苯作業工人白細胞形態與吞噬發光功能的改變及其意義

The influence of upconversion luminescence of fluoro - oxide glass - ceramics codoped with er3 and yb3 by annealing 共摻氟氧化物微晶玻璃樣品上轉換發光的影響

Influence of electric field on recombination luminescence of single layer organic electroluminescent diode 電場對單層有機電致發光二極管復合發光的影響

The blue white luminescence was explained by the quantum confinement effect ( qc ) model 室溫條件下,該產品用紫外光( 365urn )激發,存在以2

Fabrication and luminescence characteristics studies of the high - power white leds with low tc and high ra 白光發光二極管的制備技術及主要特性

Influence of tm3 on luminescence of euroupiumperchloratein phenyl - phenacyl sulfoxide 在苯基苯甲酰甲基亞砜體系中高氯酸銩對高氯酸銪發光的影響

Influence of er3 to luminescence of samarium perchlorate with diphenyl sulfoxide coordination compounds 對二苯亞砜高氯酸釤配合物發光的影響

A study and comparison of up - conversion luminescence efficiency in four er3 yb3 co - doped glasses 共摻四種玻璃中上轉換發光效率的比較及研究

This analyzer can detect the ultra - weak luminescence sensitively and comparably 該儀器能夠靈敏、直接并有對照性地檢測超微弱化學發光。

After coating on the surface of silica , gd2o3 : eu has better luminescence properties 包覆后使sio2從無定型向晶型轉變的溫度明顯降低。

El electro luminescence 場致發光

El electro luminescence 電致發光

Synthesis and luminescence of gallium nitride led blue light conversion materials 氮化鎵發光二級管藍光轉換材料的合成和發光性質

Luminescence studies on eu - sr - phthalate system luminescence studies on eu - sr - phthalate system 鄰苯二甲酸銪鍶體系熒光性能研究