
luminesce vi.(-nesced, -nescing) 發(冷)光...


The influence of y2o2s : eu phosphors fluorescent spectra , chroma and luminescing efficiency is studied with the changing of concentration of eu34 “ ion , and the suited concentration of eu3 + ion is acquired , all these provided support for the research on the yzc ^ s : eu , mg , ti long - persistent phosphors structure and luminescence performance 研究了不同eu含量對y _ 2o _ 2s : eu熒光體光譜性能、發光效率和色度的影響,給出了最適宜的摻eu濃度,為進一步研究探討y2o2s : eu , mg , ti長余輝磷光體的基質組成和發光性能提供依據。

The suited concentration of mg2 + is 20mol % , and the concentration of ti takes more effect on the fluorescent intensity . base on the suited adulteration concentration of mg2 + , ti4 * , the relationship between concentration of eu3 + and phosphor luminesce properity and chroma is studied 反之, ti含量給定( 10mol ) ,隨mg摻量增加也表現出類似的規律,其余輝最強處mg含量約20mol ,但ti對余輝的增強作用較mg更為顯著。

The influence rule of y2c > 2s : eu , mg , ti long - persistent phosphor fluorescent properity and luminesce intensity is studied with the changing of concentration of mg , ti 研究了不同的mg , ti摻雜量對y2o2s - eu , mg , ti磷光體發光強度和余輝特性的影響規律。

The adulteration of dy3 + n gd3 “ 1 “ ^ la3 + > sm3 “ 1 “ can inhance the luminesce efficiency , while bi3 + decreases 摻雜適量的dy , gd , la , sm可提高磷光體發光效率,而摻bi則使磷光體強度降低。

Influence of high voltage static electric field for super - weak luminesce of crops seed 高壓靜電場對作物種子超弱發光的影響