
luminal n.【藥學】魯米那〔一種鎮靜劑〕。


If these ovariectomized mice were treated with progesterone for 2 days followed by estrogen treatment for 1 day , the expression of stat3 and nuclear translocation of tyrosine - phosphorylated stat3 were significantly increased in the luminal epithelium , suggesting that estrogen and progesterone could jointly initiate stat3 expression and activation 注射2天孕酮后再注射雌激素,能顯著上調子宮腔上皮中stat3的表達及酪氨酸磷酸化stat3的核轉位,表明雌激素與孕酮協同作用能啟動stat3的表達和激活。

Ep2 immunostaining was gradually strengthened in the luminal epithelium and glandular epithelium from day 1 to 5 of pregnancy , followed by the gradual reducing of immunostaining on days 6 - 9 . no specific signals for ep2 mrna were detected in the uterus under delayed implantation , but strong signals were present in the luminal epithelium after reinitiation of implantation 妊娠第1 - 5天的腔上皮和腺上皮上ep2免疫染色逐漸增強,到第6天時子宮腔上皮和腺上皮上有強的免疫染色,在隨后妊娠第7 - 9天的子宮腔上皮上逐漸降低。

Ppar5 was expressed in the decidua under artificial decidualization , while ppar8 was not detected in the luminal epithelium of control uterus horn . ppar6 expression in the uterus of ovariectomized mice was significantly stimulated by estrogen or a combination of estrogen and progesterone 在激素調節模型中,注射孕酮與對照組的大鼠子宮腺上皮表達低水平的ppar ,但注射雌激素或雌激素與孕酮共同處理后腔上皮及腺上皮中表達增強,表明雌激素對其表達有調節作用。

After delayed implantation was terminated by estrogen treatment and embryo implantation initiated , cpges mrna signal was strongly detected in the stroma underlying the luminal epithelium at the implantation site , and cpges immunostaining was strongly observed in the luminal epithelium surrounding the implanting blastocyst 在延遲著床激活的小鼠子宮中, cpges蛋白和mrna的表達與妊娠第5天相同。但在延遲著床的小鼠子宮中, cpges免疫染色在腔上皮上很弱,未檢測到cpgesinrna表達。

Expression of ep2 mrna and protein was not detected in the decidualized uterus , while ep2 immunostaining was seen in the luminal epithelium and glandular epithelium of control uterus horn . in conclusion , these results suggested that ep2 expression may play a role during implantation rahter than during decidualization 未蛻膜化和人工蛻膜化子宮中,沒有檢測到ep2mrna雜交信號,但在未蛻膜化的子宮腔上皮和腺上皮上有弱的ep2免疫染色,而在蛻膜化子宮中則未檢測到免疫染色。

Extra - luminal flow hollow fiber membrane oxygenator ( elfhfmo ) has been widely applied in cardiopulmonary bypass ( cpb ) and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ( ecmo ) or extracorporeal life support ( ecls ) because of its advantages over other types of mo . but its low hemocompatibility and durability are the major problems in clinical application that even have limited its wide application . in this paper , we reviewed the recent researches on how to improve the hemocompatibility and durability of elfhfmo 交叉流管外血流式中空纖維膜肺( elfhfmo )以其獨特優點已被國內外醫學界廣泛使用,但臨床應用中面臨著血液相容性不夠和耐久性不好的問題,本文以如何解決這兩個問題為線索,綜述了近年來的研究進展。

The expression , tyrosine - phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of stat3 were increased in the luminal and glandular epithelium of immature mice by pmsg treatments . hcg treatment also stimulated the tyrosine - phosphorylation of stat3 in the nuclei of luminal epithelium 用pmsg處理性未成熟的小鼠,可刺激子宮腔上皮和腺上皮中stat3的表達,并促進子宮腔上皮和腺上皮中的stat3發生酪氨酸磷酸化及核轉位。

Ppar8 expression in the sub - luminal stroma surrounding implanting blastocyst was intensively induced when delayed implantation was terminated by estrogen treatment , while there was a weak signal in the luminal and glandular epithelium under delayed implantation 延遲著床子宮腔上皮和腺上皮中, ppar表達較弱,但在延遲著床激活后,圍繞胚胎的基質中ppar基因表達明顯增強。

Results showed that the only intact basement membrane complex was found on the luminal surface of the ecm derived from the urinary bladder and that the basement membrane was an effective barrier to penetration of the scaffold by the seeded cells 結果顯示,只有從膀胱組織中提取的ecm支架表面基底膜復合物具有完整的結構,而且這種基底膜能夠有效阻止種子細胞對支架的穿透作用。

There was a low level of ppar5 mrna expression in the luminal epithelium and the glandular epithelium from day l to 8 of pseudopregnancy . ppar5 protein was not detected in the luminal epithelium and the glandulax epithelium from day l to 8 of pseudopregnancy 在假孕大鼠子宮中, ppar mrna第1 - 8天腔上皮及腺上皮上持續弱表達,而ppar蛋白質在假孕各期子宮中均沒有檢測到。

Ppar8 expression in the sub - luminal stroma surrounding implanting blastocyst was intensively induced when delayed implantation was terminated by estrogen treatment , while there was no detectable signal in the uterine luminal and glandular epithelium under delayed implantation 延遲著床子宮中ppar未見表達,但在延遲著床激活后,胚胎周圍的基質中ppar表達顯著增強。

In the day 4 afternoon and midnight , stat3 expression and nuclear translocation of tyrosine - phosphorylated stat3 became stronger in the glandular and luminal epithelium of the potential implantation sites 第4天下午及午夜,胚胎將要著床處子宮的腔上皮和腺上皮中stat3表達繼續增強,酪氨酸磷酸化stat3的核轉位明顯增強。

There were strong stat3 immunostaining in the glandular epithelium and weak nuclear translocation of tyrosine - phosphorylated stat3 in the luminal epithelium containing a blastocyst in the day 4 morning 第4天上午子宮腺上皮中的stat3免疫染色較強,且在胚泡所在處的的子宮腔上皮中有弱的酪氨酸磷酸化stat3蛋白的核轉位。

Progesterone had no effects on stat3 expression and activation . after estrogen treatment , there were detectable stat3 mrna and immunostaining , and weak tyrosine - phosphorylation of stat3 in the luminal epithelium 雌激素處理后的子宮腔上皮上有stat3mrna和蛋白質表達,而且有較弱的酪氨酸磷酸化stat3的免疫染色。

There was a strong level of cpges mrna signal in the stromal cells at the implantation site on day 5 of pregnancy , while cpges immunostaining was strongly detected in the luminal epithelium Cpgesmrna在妊娠1 - 4天的小鼠子宮腔上皮上信號很弱。在妊娠第5天,在著床位點處腔上皮下基質細胞中有很強的cpgesmrna信號。

Weaker signals were first detected in the luminal epithelium on day 5 . on day 6 , strong signals for ep2 mrna were detected in the luminal epithelium 在妊娠第5天的子宮腔上皮上開始檢測到較弱的ep2mrna表達,而在妊娠第6天,子宮腔上皮上都可以檢測到強的ep2mrna表達。

In ra uterus , expression of ppar6 mrna was gradually decreased in the luminal epithelium and increased in the glandular epithelium from day l to 5 of pregnancy 在大鼠中,從妊娠第1天到第5天, ppar mrna在子宮腔上皮上表達逐漸減弱,腺上皮上表達逐漸增強。

However , mpges mrna and protein were highly expressed in the stroma immediately surrounding the blastocyst , but not in the luminal epithelium on day 5 of pregnancy Mpgesmrna在妊娠6 - 8天的蛻膜中表達,并且隨著蛻膜化程度的加強, mpgesmrna的表達也加強。

The expression of stat3 mrna in the luminal and glandular epithelium was considerable stronger on day 1 of pregnancy , and weaker on days 2 to 3 妊娠第1天的子宮腔上皮和腺上皮中,有較強的stat3mrna表達,在第2 3天較弱。