
lumen n.(pl. -mina )1.【物理學】流明〔光通量單...


Note the epithelial cells lining the lumen demonstrate apocrine secretion with snouting , or cytoplasmic extrusions , into the lumen 注意排成管腔的上皮細胞顯示了分泌物進入管腔的頂漿分泌或細胞質分泌。

Bronchoscopy and computerized tomography demonstrated a polypoid intratracheal mass obstructing 90 % of the lumen 支氣管鏡和計算機斷層檢查皆顯示乳突狀樣氣管內腫瘤,幾乎阻塞了百分之九十的氣管內徑。

Bronchoscopy and computerized tomography demonstrated a polypoid intratracheal mass obstructing 90 % of the lumen 支氣管鏡和電腦斷層檢查皆顯示乳突狀樣氣管內腫瘤,幾乎阻塞了百分之九十的氣管內徑。

The metalloprotease may be involved in the turnover of the lumen and membrane proteins in thylakoids 我們預測這種蛋白酶可能參與了類囊體蛋白質的降解,并且與環境壓力下光系統中蛋白質的代謝有關。

The amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface one foot away is called a lumen ( lm ) 光的量是由一支蠟?由一英?的距離照在一平方英?的地方做為計量單位:流明。

There won ' t be any users of this projector opting to run in lower lumen output modes in order to reduce fan noise 不會有用戶為了減小風扇噪音而選擇將投影機運行在較低流明輸出的模式上。

Reconstruction was completed after subpectoral replacements of double - lumen mammary prostheses and revisions of skin redundancies 我們利用雙腔矽義乳置于大胸肌下來完成乳房重建手術。

At low magnification , the complex papillary folds and irregular branching lumens of seminal esicular mucosa become eident 低倍鏡下,精囊粘膜呈現復雜的乳頭狀折疊和不規則的管腔分支。

The tumor cells often have intracytoplasmic vacuoles representing small vascular lumina , and which may resemble mucin 腫瘤細胞常常含有漿內空泡,此空泡表示小的血管腔,似粘蛋白。

Echocardiographic diagnostic value of morphologic abnormality of coronary artery wall and lumen in patients with kawasaki disease 川崎病急性期冠狀動脈形態異常的超聲心動圖表現

The capillary lumen is filled with a pmn whose nuclear lobes and cytoplasmic granules are visible 毛細血管腔內充滿了中性粒細胞,它們的核呈分葉狀,還可見細胞漿內的顆粒。

Catheters - test methods for kinking of single lumen catheters and medical tubing ; german version en 13868 : 2002 導尿管.單腔導尿管和醫用管紐結的試驗方法;德文版本

Where they occur interspersed with the xylem they may be distinguished from tracheids by their narrower lumen 纖維分布與木質部相似,其狹窄的腔可與管胞區分開來。

Hyperplasia of the median lobe of the prostate produces a polypoid mass that protrudes in the bladder lumen 前列腺中葉異常增生,表現為息肉樣腫物,突入膀胱腔內。

Other problems with using incandescent sources are their short life and low lumens per watt output 使用白熾光源的其他問題是他們的短壽命和每瓦特輸出的流明低。

There are many other enhancements that have improved the overall performance and ease - of - use of lumen micro 也有許多其他整體性能以及易用性上的改進。

Note the purplish blue calcifications in the media ; note that the lumen is unaffected by this process 在動脈中膜可見紫藍色的鈣化灶,而管腔沒有受累。

The focal granulomatous inflammation with narrowed arterial lumen is seen here at high magnification 高倍鏡下可見病灶的肉芽腫炎癥伴有動脈腔狹窄。

The growth is primarily exophytic ( outward into the lumen ) and invasion is not seen at this point 生長最初是外生性的(朝向腔內) ,不見浸潤。