
lumber n.〔美國〕1.木材,木料,方料;〔英國〕原木。2.破爛...

lumber jack

Give ) me your lumber now , all ) of you 給)我你的木材現在,所有的)你

Material , such as lumber or tile , used in making floors 地面材料如木料或瓷磚等鋪地板用的材料

You ' ve got me into lumber with my boss 你搞得我和我老板相處尷尬。

I declare a monopoly on ) mr . lumber 我宣布一個垅斷在)之上木材先生

Test method for shear properties of plastic lumber and shapes 塑料成材和型材剪切特性測試方法

The heavily - loaded garbage truck lumbered down the street 滿載重物的垃圾車笨重地駛過街道。

There are forests here , and lumbering is very important 這里有許多森林,因而伐木業很重要。

Diagnosis and operative treatment for lumber disc herniation 胸椎間盤突出癥的診斷與外科治療

Lumber and wood products , except furniture 木材及木材產品,家具除外

The room is lumbered with numerous cucumbers 房間里亂堆著大量黃瓜。

General technical conditions for lumber machine 制材機械通用技術條件

A lot of lumber was needed to build the smith ' s new house 建造史密斯的新家需要大量木材。

Empty bottles lumbered the bottom of every closet 每個儲藏室的底部都零亂地堆積著空瓶子。

Specification for polyolefin - based plastic lumber decking boards 聚烯烴基塑料廢物蓋板規范

Building a road ) without lumber or bricks 建筑一條道路)沒有木材或磚塊

The room is lumbered up with useless articles 房間時堆滿了無用的東西。

Connie was sorting out one of the wragby lumber rooms 康妮正在一間舊物貯藏室里收拾著。

They slapped together a cabin out of old lumber 他們利用舊木料草草地蓋起了一間小屋。

His room is lumbered up with useless articles 他的房間堆滿了無用的物品。