
lumbar adj.腰(部)的。n.【解剖學】腰動脈;腰神經;腰椎。


Posterior instrumented reduction and 360 degree fusion for lumbar spondylolisthesis 度以上滑脫癥的手術治療

Herniated lumbar vertebra disc treated by combining five methods 中西醫結合治療輸卵管阻塞168例療效觀察168

Special clinical usefulness of emg examination in herniated lumbar disc 腰椎間盤突出癥肌電圖檢查的獨特價值

Without adjustment . - hip pad includes a curved lumbar section to promote -大腿及背部設有孤型腰椎部,有助

Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc 腰椎間盤突出癥

Digital pressure and thumb - root kneading for acute lumbar sprain in 50 cases 指壓掌揉法治療急性腰扭傷50例

Thirty - six patients with lumbar vertebrae disease treated by comprehensive therapy 綜合療法治療腰椎病36例

Cage vertebral fusion apparatus applied in the treatment of lumbar vertebra 椎體融合器在腰椎手術中的應用

Treatment for lumbar disc herniation with strictured nerve root canal 腰椎間盤突出癥并神經根管狹窄的治療

On the therapeutic effect of massage to the acute lumbar sprain in sports 談按摩對運動性急性腰扭傷的治療

Clinical treatment of lumbar disc herniation and its possible mechanisms 腰椎間盤突出癥臨床治療機制探討

I personalized the lumbar settings 我為你在副駕駛位子上

Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis and orientation of facet joint 退變性腰椎滑脫與關節突關節的方向性

Samshing fracture in lumbar . guess the death cause is viscus fracture 腰椎粉碎性骨折估計死因是內臟破裂

Treatment of lumbar disc herniation by microendoscopic discectomy 腰椎間盤突出癥髓核摘除術遠期療效分析

No scratch in face and head . samshing fracture in lumbar . inside damage 臉部頭部無傷腰椎粉碎是內傷啊

Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion ; lidp 腰椎間盤突出癥

Analysis of rehabilitation treatment of slippage of lumbar vertebrae 腰椎滑脫癥患者的康復治療效果分析

Threadedfusion cage for internal fixation of lumbar spondylolisthesis 椎體融合器內固定治療腰椎滑脫癥