
lum n.〔Scot. 英方〕煙筒。


The tem micrographs of the original sample show that sic particulates generally exhibit a good contact at the particulates / matrix interfaces and a great deal of second phases disperse in the grain . it is likely to come from the process of producing the material because of its size ( from lum to sum ) Tem的結果表明,此試樣中, sic與基體結合良好,并發現尺寸較大的第二相(尺寸在1 m 3 m之間) ,由于尺寸較大,且在原始樣中發現,可能是在材料制備過程中形成的。

King , vice - chancellor , the chinese university of hong kong ; the honourable michael kwok - fung mak , legislative councillor ( health services ) ; professor sydney s . c . chung , dean , faculty of medicine , the chinese university of hong kong ; professor rance lee , head , chung chi college , the chinese university of hong kong ; miss kittie chan , principal nursing officer , department of health and dr . susie lum , senior executive manager ( nursing ) , hospital authority , hong kong 主禮嘉賓包括香港中文大學校長金耀基教授、香港特別行政區立法會議員衛生服務界麥國風先生、香港中文大學醫學院院長鍾尚志教授、香港中文大學崇基學院院長李沛良教授、衛生署護士總監陳純潔女士及醫院管理局高級行政經理護理林崇綏博士。

An established chinese - american artist , specialist and connoisseur of traditional art , lum is also president of the overseas chinese cultural renaissance association , founder of the american lyric impressionism , and co - founder , along with jia chen , of the unconstrained cursive script . “ we consider our auctions an inseparable part of our long - term goal of promoting cultural and economic exchanges between china and the outside world 除了是有名的華人藝術家、收藏家及?定專家之外,林緝光現任海外中國文藝復興協會會長,并且是與陳嘉一同建立'寫意大狂草'書法表現方法,他表示作為一個中國與外界的媒介,長期的目標是為了促進中國文化及經濟的發展,這是一個大的目標及方向,我們需要藝術愛好者的支持,特別是世界各地的博物館、收藏家及?賞家。

On the about bases , the concert methods on curriculum reso ce development are to encourage all the actins factors to involve into the currio lum activity ; to make scientific use of cultural resource , transferring them into curri ulum resource , to discipline the procedure of curriculum resource development , improving her development abilities and levels 在此基礎上,課程資源開發的具體辦法是用動各方積極因素,投入到課程活動;對文化資源進行科學加工,使其轉化為課程資源;規范課程資源開發程序,提高開發的能力與水平。

I have improved the structure of horizontal platform on which indicating instrument placed in order to solve the problem the original platform got smaller rundistance . i also improved the light to be changeable so that the system could got more appropriate lum that could provide different style indicating instruments calibrating 為了解決了原有三維平移臺量程較小和原有光源無法實現多種類型儀表檢測的缺陷,改進設計了三維平移臺,用于調節被校準儀表和光源的位置;改進設計了光源,實現光源亮度可調。

Extreme ultraviolet lithography is being developed as one of the most important candidates to fabricate a sub - o . lum - pattern . in recent years , several key technologies have been developed rapidly such as laser producing plasma source , extreme ultraviolet multilayer , optical fabrication and metrology , projection - camara alignment , low - defect mask and control technology of stage 極紫外投影光刻( extremeultravioletlithography簡稱euvl )最有可能成為下一世紀生產線寬小于0 . 1 m集成電路的技術,近年來在激光等離子體光源、極紫外多層膜、光學加工和檢測、光學精密裝調、低缺陷掩模、光刻膠技術以及高穩定工作臺系統控制等關鍵技術方面得到了飛速發展。

At last , we given several conceives for the follow - work , and hope to obtain more monodisperse standard samples which particle size is from 0 . lum to 3um in the future , so we can find the relation between light scattering energy and energy jumpiness more accurately 本文還對以后的工作提出幾點設想,希望獲得更多的單分散體系的、粒徑從0 . 1 m ~ ( 3 m )得標準樣品,更準確地找到散射光能量與能量跳動量之間的關系。

Lum and co - workers identified h2o2 as an upstream signal that leads to no production . they also found that the h2o2 induced no production was mediated via calcium ion flux , as it was blocked in the presence of a calcium ion channel blocker , verapamil Lum和同事發現h _ 2o _ 2作為上游信號誘導no的產生,他們還發現aba誘導的no產生是經由鈣離子介導的,因為它可以被鈣離子通道阻斷劑異搏定( verapamil )所抑制。

( 2 ) analyze some denoising algorithms to process gauss noise and pepper and salt noise that are very familiar in digital images . we also research other methods that can denoise and keep the definition for an image at the same time ( 2 )研究了對圖像中常見的高斯白噪聲和椒鹽噪聲行之有效的去噪算法,并研究了基于svd的濾波方法和lum濾波器,它們在實現圖像去噪的同時能更好地保持圖像細節。

The nanoporous structure of films greatly enhanced the active surface area available for p - cd binding by a factor of 25 for a lum - thick - film . based on multiple linear regression , concentrations of o , p , m - bimethyl - benzene and o , p , m - nitro - phenol have been measured with present sensor 納米tio2膜每增厚1 m ,環糊精的固載量平均增加25倍,該方法可大大地提高傳高器的靈敏度。

Qingai , in the process of promoting her curriculum reform , must first update her curr dum concept , reform her system , fully realize and dig the local and school ' s latent curri lum resource , developing its educational value 青海在推進基礎教育課程改革的過程中,必須從更新課程觀念、改革課程體系入手,充分地認識和挖掘當地及學校所潛存的課程資源,發揮其教育價值。

Being a focus in education all over the world at present , some comprehensive curricu lum connecting with inquiry study in the field of mathematics has been set up , which is also an inviting trend in china 研究性學習也是當前世界各國關注的焦點,目前世界各國的數學課程都設置了與研究性學習有關的綜合課程,在我國的數學課程中開展研究性學習也是大勢所趨。

The eight institutions are now actively developing their programmes to match the vision of a normative four - year undergraduate programme beginning 2012 - 13 building on the new senior secondary curricu lum programme to be implemented from 2009 以2009年推出的新高中課程為基礎,八大院校正積極籌備2012 - 13學年推出的新四年學制課程。

An opening ceremony will be held at the new office on 22 october 2001 . officiating guests include the chairman of tuen mun district council , mr . lau wong - fat and the district officer ( tuen mun ) , mr . jacky lum 新郵政局開幕儀式將會在十月二十二日于局內舉行。主禮的嘉賓包括屯門區議會主席劉皇發,以及屯門民政事務專員林國強。

The six incumbent members who have been re - appointed are the hon tam yiu - chung ( the chairman ) , prof iris chi , mrs peggy lam pei yu - dja , dr susie lum shun - sui , mr wan man - yee and dr raymond wu wai - yung 六名獲再度委任的現任成員是譚耀宗議員(主席) 、齊銥教授、林貝聿嘉女士、林崇綏博士、溫文儀先生和鄔維庸醫生。

On 8 to 10 nov . 2002 age group long course swimming championships 2002 , lum ching tat got award for outstanding swimmer winner ( overall boys 10 & under years old ) 林政達于2002年11月8 - 10日長池分齡游泳錦標賽中勇奪得7個金牌、 1個銅牌、而得到個人總分83分,同時比賽中有四項個人項目打破了香港男子10歲組長池分齡紀錄。

Achieving competency in information literacy requires an understanding that this cluster of abilities is not extraneous to the curriculum but is woven into the curricu - lum ’ s content , structure , and sequence 認識到信息素養不是附加到課程之上的,而是融入課程的內容、結構和順序是掌握信息素養能力的基本要求。

After ten passes , the average grain size of the microstructure which including high angle boundaries is about lum . the vickers hardness increases rapidly after ecap , from 78 . 7hv to 185 . 3hv Ecap十道次時,晶粒尺寸在1 m左右,晶界為大角度晶界,硬度明顯增加,顯微硬度從原始態的78 . 7hv增加到185 . 3hv 。

Man - to leung , a famous hong kong gourmet , together with two famed tvb artists tsoi - wan yuen and lum wong , travel all over china to introduce the local dishes of each locality 另一飲食界名人黃雙如,則會介紹刁鉆菜式及特色烹調方法,和提供各種飲食資訊,讓觀眾盡享吃的真諦。