
lullaby n.1.催眠曲,搖籃曲。2.輕柔的聲音(如微風吹拂聲,潺...


He was very sick with colic and had rsv and pneumonia all within the first year of his life , so comforting him without music , a soothing voice , a mother ' s lullaby was a challenge 在他生命的第一年里,他得過很嚴重的疝氣,魯斯式肉瘤病毒和肺炎也一直威脅著他的生命,這樣一來,在沒有音樂、沒有輕聲細語和母親的搖籃曲的情況下,想要安慰他簡直是一個挑戰。

1998 - 2000 dated backstreet boy nick carter . she wrote “ lullaby “ in approximently 30 minutes on the 1st pokemon soundtrack while using the name mandah , willa released a song on the 1st pokemon soundtrack 整張專輯以流行舞曲為主軸,專輯主打歌“ i wanna be bad “昭示著willa想做自己忠于自己的心意“ tired “說她厭煩別人老把她和布蘭妮相提并論,她才不裝乖

She wrote “ lullaby “ in approximently 30 minutes on the 1st pokemon soundtrack while using the name mandah , willa released a song on the 1st pokemon soundtrack . “ i m not a cheerleader 這是個音樂分眾的時代,而且是個特立獨行的時代,想要高人一等并在偶像潮流里不被滅頂,還能挺立其上可真不是件容易的事

The moon was sailing higher and higher up the heavens , the sound of childish laughter had died away from the lane beyond our wall , and my wife was in the house patting juner and humming a lullaby to him 月亮漸漸地升高了,墻外馬路上孩子們的歡笑,已經聽不見了;妻在屋里拍著閏兒,迷迷糊糊地哼著眠歌。

The moon was sailing higher and higher up the heavens , the sound of childish laughter had died away from the lane beyond our wall , and my wife was in the house patting juner and humming a lullaby to him 月亮漸漸的升高了,墻外馬路上孩子們的歡笑,已經聽不見了;妻在屋里拍著閏兒,模模糊糊地哼著棉歌。

The moon was sailing higher and higher up the heavens , the sound of childish laughter had died away from the lane beyond our wall , and my wife was in the house patting juner and humming a lullaby to him 月亮漸漸地升高了, ? ? ~馬路上孩子們的歡笑,已經聽不見了;妻在屋? ? ? ? |兒,迷迷糊糊地哼著眠歌。

It will be important to stay with him for a while just to have a light chat with him , tell him a story or hum him a lullaby before leaving him to fall asleep on his own 你可以在睡前陪伴他一會兒才離開讓他自己睡,陪伴他時與他談一些輕松開心的話題、說故事或哼催眠曲等。

It was an angelic soprano singing the lullaby , which mom sang to the new - born baby . i got up , unaware of where the voice came 是女高音,聽著就像天使的聲音似的。它唱的是搖籃曲,是那種媽媽唱給新生嬰兒的搖籃曲。我從床上坐起來,不確定聲音是從哪傳來的。

And with that she began nursing her child again , singing a sort of lullaby to it as she did so , and giving it a violent shake at the end of every line 她說著照料孩子去了,她哄孩子時唱著一種催睡曲,唱到每句的末尾,都要把孩子猛烈地搖兒下。

In those moments our identity is established . we learn who we are because lullabies define who we are . they define the baby and they define us as children of god 我們的身分得到建立,神這首搖籃曲確立了我是誰,這首歌確認了我們是神的孩子。

There ' s a land that i ' ve heard of once in a lullaby . somewhere , over the rainbow , skies are blue . and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true 有一片土地曾在我夢中出現。彩虹深處天空湛藍。有一些夢想你敢憧憬就會實現。

Immerged in the loving sentences pronounced by parents , in the rhymes , in the lullabies , the child absorbs , he sets in his mind words in an indelible way 當小孩開始發出第一個單字時,用圖像去刺激他是適當的,設法將對象聯系在一起。

Although the absence of music is a drawback with the lullabies , parents and babies should enjoy the finger plays , complete with unobtrusive directions 或許缺少真正的音樂是這本書的缺點,但是家長和小孩可以用指尖來彌補。

Imagine a night . . . when a farmer plays a lullaby on his fiddle , and his field of sunflowers begins to dip and sway to the rhythm 夢想某個夜晚,當農夫在他的田間拉起搖籃曲,田間的向日葵陶醉地隨樂曲的節奏輕舞。

A : babies typically are introduced to music through lullabies . as children grow , songs and music play a vital role in their development 答:從襁褓期的搖籃曲開始到哼唱玩弄樂器這些都在孩童成長扮演重要角色

Babies typically are introduced to music through lullabies . as children grow , songs and music play a vital role in their development 答:從襁褓期的搖籃曲開始到哼唱玩弄樂器這些都在孩童成長扮演重要角色

From time to time , i think about the lullaby , but can ' t remember the lyrics that were sung . . . no matter how hard i concentrate 偶爾我還會回憶那首搖籃曲的歌詞,但不管我如何集中精神,就是想不起來。

When i was in the ditch , the lullaby that came over me was not , “ dr . schuller is your father , you shall not want . 這首搖籃曲不是說:蕭律柏是我爸爸,我必不缺乏。這首歌不是這樣,不是的,

Lord , i ask that our ears be opened now to your lullabies and we will hear you sing over us . in jesus name 主啊,我請你打開我們的耳朵,讓我們聽見你為我們唱的搖籃曲,奉耶穌名求,阿們!