
lukewarm adj.1.微溫的。2.不熱心的,冷淡的,不起勁的。ad...


Squeeze gel onto dry palms and apply to dry face with a gentle massaging motion . after dirt and makeup are loosened , rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water 取適量按摩臉部,當開始感到指尖的運行變得較輕滑時,便是污垢已浮出、停止繼續按摩的時候了,卸?后別忘了再以洗面乳徹底洗去化?品以外的污垢。

Enjoy the lukewarm shining sun , and talk with me at the same time . he told me the course of his disease and ask me the way to effect radical cure . as if im a doctor 溫暖的陽光下,老人一邊曬太陽一邊認真地對我講述他犯的老毛病的來去脈向我打聽有什么辦法可以根治,好象我就是醫生。

For those who have pain , even in warm climates , try to wash with warm or lukewarm water , not cold , and never ice - cold water . like this , you aggravate your painful condition 而身體有疼痛的人,即使在溫暖的氣候之下,也要用微溫的水,永遠不要用冰冷的水,那樣會使疼痛加劇。

Factory of oriental hardware of sea of ou of lukewarm state city is a professional production set auger act the role of change of tasted dress , shoe the limited company of complementary makings 溫州市甌海東方五金廠是一家專業生產鑲鉆飾品的服裝、鞋革輔料的有限公司。

You must empty your bowels and bladder , clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus , consume a glass of lukewarm water and then begin the exercises after 15 minutes 你必須傾空你的腸胃和腎臟,清潔你的鼻腔和咽喉里的濁物,喝一杯淡水,然后15分鐘后,開始你的練習。

The community patience was running thin and more and more people began to express their anger at the government lukewarm attitude towards tackling the problem 普羅大眾對貪風猖獗已達忍無可忍地步,愈來愈多市民就政府漠視此問題的態度公開表達他們的激憤。

But the likes of baron davis , carlos boozer , and ron artest , among others , bypassed them as the club ' s efforts to acquire such assets were lukewarm at best 但是像拜倫-戴維斯、卡洛斯-布澤爾和阿泰斯特之類的家伙都繞過了湖人,湖人對這些家伙的興趣不大。

The airport highway road of the lukewarm state city that wen zhou sends wen zhou of of tall trade limited company to send tall trade limited company to be located in commerce 溫州派高貿易有限公司溫州派高貿易有限公司地處商業之都溫州市的機場大道路。

Application : take proper amount on your hands and rub until foaming . massage your face . rinse with cool or lukewarm water and softly dry your face by towel 取適量于手心柔搓出泡沫后,溫和的于臉上輕輕按摩,再以溫冷水充分洗凈,并以毛巾或面紙吸乾。

She deemed it her crime most to be repented of , that she had ever endured , and reciprocated , the lukewarm grasp of his hand , 她認為,她以前竟然忍受并回握了他那不冷不熱的篡握,竟然以自己眉眼和嘴唇的微笑來迎合他的笑意,實在是她最應追悔的罪過。

Company liaison man is convenient , adjacent airport reachs lukewarm city harbour east , lukewarm city railway station is received south , be faced with bonnily ou river 公司交通便捷,東鄰飛機場及溫州海港,南接溫州火車站,面臨美麗地甌江。

Lukewarm sponge baths will do , and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity , the automobile fumes are gone 人們用濕了水的海綿擦身體就湊和著當成是沖涼了,雖然汽車的濃煙已經沒有了,但空氣中并不總是迷漫著芬芳的氣息。

In each hand he holds a parcel , one containing a lukewarm pig s crubeen , the other a cold sheep s trotter sprinkled with wholepepper he gasps , standing upright 身穿波紋細呢家常短上衣,法蘭絨長褲,沒有后跟的拖鞋,胡子拉碴,頭發稍亂。

The title is a metaphor that depicts the lukewarm relationship between the two protagonists : a librarian and her boyfriend in advertising art 深圳的圖書管理員劉亞曦與從事廣告設計的男友劉亦東相愛,但兩人的關系時晴時雨,變幻無常。

Martin nodded that he heard , - it was a habit of nature with him to pay heed to whoever talked to him , - and poured a cup of lukewarm coffee 馬丁點點頭表示聽見了誰跟他說話地都認真聽,他這習慣出自天性然后倒了一杯溫熱的咖啡。

Extend of my company course and transform , already became lukewarm city district to produce the large mainstay business of cast steel , cast - iron product 我公司經過擴建和改造,已成為溫州地區生產鑄鋼、鑄鐵產品的大型骨干企業。

Lukewarm sponge baths will do , and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity , the automobile fumes are gone 人們湊合著用溫熱的海綿洗澡,雖然汽車廢氣已經消失了,但人們附近的空氣卻不總是那么芬芳了。

Usage : apply to the face in a thin layer and leave on for 10 ~ 15 minutes then , wash off with lukewarm water of towel 用法:潔膚后,取量均勻涂敷于面部,待十分鐘后肌膚深層吸入草莓精華,以清水洗凈,每周用2至3次。

The blazing - to - freezing range of emotions experienced by the young blends into something more lukewarm by later life , numerous studies show 許多研究都顯示年輕人身上的“冷熱情緒”范圍到晚年合成一種溫和情緒。