
lugubrious adj.(像是過分做作而顯得可笑的)憂傷的,悲痛的;陰郁...


They were surrounded by men , women , and children , who sang a kind of lugubrious psalm , interrupted at regular intervals by the tambourines and cymbals ; while behind them was drawn a car with large wheels , the spokes of which represented serpents entwined with each other 他們在高唱著挽歌。歌聲和鑼鈸的敲擊聲此起彼落,交替不斷。人群后面,有一輛大轱轆車子,車輻和車輞都雕刻成一條條并列交叉的毒蛇,車上有一尊面目猙獰的女神像。

I hardly know whether i had slept or not after this musing ; at any rate , i started wide awake on hearing a vague murmur , peculiar and lugubrious , which sounded , i thought , just above me 我幾乎不知道這番沉思之后是否睡著過。總之我一聽到含糊的喃喃聲之后,便完全驚醒過來了。那聲音古怪而悲哀,我想就是從我房間的樓上傳出來的。

Everything about the scene exuded boredom which stemmed , on the man s side , from an embarrassing awareness of his own dullness and , on the woman s , from the visit of this lugubrious personage 房間里的氣氛很沉悶,男的是因為自己一籌莫展而局促不安,女的是因為這個討厭的家伙的來訪而心情煩躁。

What then , you may well ask , happened to poor john , whose expressive , lugubrious face we used to see earlier 你完全可以問,可憐的約翰,我們早先經常看到他顯出一副非常悲哀的樣子,后來怎么樣了呢?

Henry james senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious , to be ambitious but unworldly 老享利?詹姆斯要孩子們嚴肅而不陰郁,志高而不入俗。

Henry james senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly 老亨利?詹姆斯要孩子們嚴肅而不陰郁,志高而不入俗。

Presently a dog set up a long , lugubrious howl just outside - within ten feet of them 沒多久,外面傳來了狗叫聲,那聲音又長又凄涼,離他們不到十英尺遠。

“ truly they are , “ murmured the count in a lugubrious tone “我相信會的。 ”伯爵用一種郁悶的口吻喃喃的說道。

“ i am drinking , “ replied the tippler , with a lugubrious air “我喝酒。 ”他陰沉憂郁地回答道。

That long , lugubrious howl rose on the night air again 夜空中又傳來了那又長又凄涼的狗叫聲。

The lugubrious persons learned to know, from the lodge-keeper, when mr. crich was away, and they timed their visits . 乞丐們學會從公寓老板處打聽克里奇先生離家的時間,調整他們行乞的時辰。

Henry james senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly . 老亨利詹姆斯要孩子們嚴肅而不陰郁,志高而不入俗。

James was in lugubrious mood . 詹姆士的興致很頹唐。