
luggage n.1.〔英國〕行李,隨身行李 (=〔美國〕 bagga...

luggage rack

A : that additional piece of luggage will cost extra 額外的那件行李會加收費用。

Luggage in excess of 100 kg will be charged extra 超過100公斤的行李要額外收費

The porter trundled their luggage over to the car 腳夫把他們的行李推運到汽車。

Hearing this, tess felt so sick at heart that she could not decide to go home publicly in the fly with her luggage and belongings . 苔絲聽了這番話,心里不覺一陣難受,就不好意思大張旗鼓地坐著車,帶著那行李和什物,往家里去了。

A strange air of detachment was about that youthful, shabby figure, and not a scrap of luggage filled the rack above his head . 那個衣衫破舊的年輕小伙子有一種奇特的超然的神態,在他頭頂的行李架上,一件行李也沒有。

Although he had broken with his family, he had never really discarded the emotional luggage of his first eighteen years . 他雖然已經同家庭決裂,可從來就沒有真正扔下過前十八年的生活留給他的感情包袱。

With her luggage in her hands , the girl stood looking round in all directions , but apparently no one had come to meet her . 這個女學生提著她的行李,在站臺外東張西望,卻看不見有接她的人。

He traveled constantly and elizabeth was a nuisance who had to be carted along, like a piece of extra luggage . 他常常到處走,而伊麗莎白則是一個他不得不帶著的累贅,就象一件多余的行李。

You gave them to me when i said : “ ... i will be glad to take these two pieces of luggage up in the elevator . “ 剛才我說“我很高興將這兩件行李帶到電梯里”的時候,你把鑰匙交給我的。

Mr. samgrass replied with such glibness and at such length, telling me of mislaid luggage . 桑格拉斯先生卻油嘴滑舌,事無巨細地告訴我們說行李如何被錯放了。

All right . well , mr. wang , it is very kind of you to take care of my luggage . see you . 好。王先生,你照看我的行李,真是太好了,回頭見。

If you decide to change planes at san francisco, you'll have to juggle with your luggage . 如果你想在舊金山換飛機,你得轉運行李。

Say , mr. wang , shall i look after the luggage for ms. smith or will you ? 王先生,你說,我照看史密斯小姐的行李,還是你照看?

We managed to get all the luggage into the car but it was a tight squeeze . 我們總算把行李都塞進汽車里了,不過擠得要命。

He had taken his seat early, and his luggage was all in order . 他很早就占好他的座位了,他的行李也全擺得整整齊齊。

The footman and two porters began to load luggage onto the carriage . 仆人和兩個腳夫開始把行李抬上馬車。

She gave her luggage to a porter and showed him her ticket . 她把行李交給一個搬運夫,并給他看了車票。

Yes , i believe so . but , ... but how about my luggage ? 是的,我也是這樣想,但但是我的行李呢?

Oh , no . let me take these two pieces of luggage up in the elevator . 啊,不,我自己乘電梯帶上去。