ludwig n.路德維格〔男子名,Louis 的異體〕。
n. 路德維格〔男子名,Louis 的異體〕。 “alexander ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希“bob ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 鮑勃路德維格“christa ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 露德薇希“christian ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 克里斯蒂安・路德維希“emil ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 路得維希“gerd ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 魯德威“gumplowicz, ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 貢普洛維奇“leopold ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希“ludwig adamovich“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希阿達莫維齊“ludwig bechstein“ 中文翻譯: 貝希施泰因“ludwig boltzmann“ 中文翻譯: 玻爾茲曼; 路德希玻耳曼“ludwig briand“ 中文翻譯: 魯維克畢昂“ludwig erhard“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希艾哈德“ludwig feuerbach“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希費爾巴哈“ludwig feurbach“ 中文翻譯: 哲學家費爾巴哈“ludwig ganghofer“ 中文翻譯: 剛霍夫“ludwig glos“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希格洛斯“ludwig gredler“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希格雷德勒“ludwig hilberseimer“ 中文翻譯: 路德因西爾貝斯愛蒙“ludwig ill“ 中文翻譯: 呈請國王路特威三世“ludwig kakumei“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希革命“ludwig karl“ 中文翻譯: 路德威希“ludwig lachmann“ 中文翻譯: 路德希拉赫曼“peter ludwig“ 中文翻譯: 彼得路德維希“ludwiczak zdzislaw“ 中文翻譯: 茲齊斯拉夫“ludwig andreas feuerbach“ 中文翻譯: 路德維希・安德列斯・費爾巴哈
lues |
On this historical link , the progress of philosophy could only display ludwig feuerbach ' s critique , and it is the historical inevitability of marx ' s economic and philosophy critique in economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844 在這一歷史環節上,哲學的進步只能表現為對費爾巴哈的批判;在這里出現的乃是《 1844年經濟學哲學手稿》中馬克思經濟學哲學批判的歷史必然性。 |
After years of progressive 17 ) hearing loss , by age 46 german composer ludwig van beethoven had become completely deaf . nevertheless , he wrote his greatest music ? including five symphonies ? during his later years 多年來聽力不斷衰退,德國作曲家路德維希?凡?貝多芬46歲時雙耳完全失聰。盡管如此,他在之后的幾年里創作出了生平最偉大的音樂篇章? ?其中包括五支交響曲。 |
A student at the music conservatory , she is recommended for a position at a venerated publisher , and , in a fortuitous turn of events , orchestrates an opportunity to work beside the greatest , most mercurial artist alive - ludwig van beethoven ( ed harris ) 在抄寫的過程中,安娜嘗盡了苦頭,貝多芬猶如一頭野獸,自我又不受控制,但同時又被大師的才情深深吸引。 |
Later on , ludwig carried his business to a new stage of development : he got another tanker designed , before the keel was even laid , a common carrier was persuaded to charter it after its completion 后來,洛維洛借錢賺錢的方法又上了一個新臺階:他組織人設計了一條船,在安裝龍骨之前,他便找到一家運輸公司,說服該公司預定包租這條八字還沒有一撇的船。 |
Despite the fact that he knew little about the continental phenomenological movement , ludwig wittgenstein developed his own edition of “ phenomenology ” as soon a he returned to cambridge at the beginning of 1929 摘要盡管對于歐陸現象學運動知之甚少,維特根斯坦還是在他于1929年年初重返劍橋之際獨立地提出了一個他自己的”現象學”版本。 |
The festival was first held in 1810 to celebrate the wedding of king - to - be ludwig i to princess therese von sachsen - hildburghausen . almost 200 years later , the event is still going strong 慕尼黑啤酒節在1810年首次舉辦,是為了慶祝王儲路德維希一世和特蕾瑟?馮?薩赫森-辛德伯格豪森公主的婚禮。歷經近200年之后,該項活動仍然廣受歡迎。 |
Some viruses are benign or playful in intent and effect ( “ happy birthday , ludwig ! “ ) and some can be quite harmful , erasing data or causing your hard disk to require reformatting 有些病毒是良性的,或活潑,在意圖和效果( “生日快樂,路德維希! “ )有的可能是相當有害的,擦除數據,或導致您的硬盤,要求改組。 |
“ so far , on the days when germany has played we have received a lot more blood samples , “ david leistner of munich ' s ludwig maximilians university said . first results are due in october 慕尼黑路德維格馬克西米利安大學的大衛萊斯特那說: “到目前為止,每逢德國隊比賽,我們總會收到更多的血樣。 ” |
Criticism of hegel ' s reflective philosophy is the core of ludwig feuerbach ' s thoughts , and the sensible and objective principle is the standpoint of his criticism of reflective philosophy 摘要對黑格爾思辨哲學的批判是費爾巴哈思想的核心,而“感性對象性原則”則是費爾巴哈批判思辮哲學的立足點。 |
The lake is just 25 minutes away on foot along a trail following the tracks of the king ludwig ii steam railway that connects the town to the port between may and october 沿著路德維希二世時期的蒸汽火車的鐵軌有一條小路,步行20 - 30分鐘可到湖邊。蒸汽火車從5月至10月開至碼頭。 |
A unique manuscript by ludwig van beethoven that was lost for more than a century will go on sale in london in december priced at over one million pounds 英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net一份遺失了一個多世紀的貝多芬僅存的手稿今年12月將在倫敦拍賣,拍賣價將超過100萬英鎊。 |
Cardiac emergencies usually occurred within two hours of the start of a match , dr ute wilbert - lampen of ludwig - maximilians university in munich and colleagues found 德國慕尼黑大學的烏特?威爾伯特-拉姆彭博士以及同事們發現,球賽開始后兩個小時通常是心臟病的高發階段。 |
“ so far , on the days when germany has played we have received a lot more blood samples , “ david leistner of munich ' s ludwig maximilians university said 慕尼黑路德維格馬克西米利安大學的大衛萊斯特那說: “到目前為止,每逢德國隊比賽,我們總會收到更多的血樣。 ” |
“ so far , on the days when germany has played we have received a lot more blood samples , “ david leistner of munich ' s ludwig maximilians university said 慕尼黑路德維格馬克西米利安大學的大衛?萊斯特那說: “到目前為止,每逢德國隊比賽,我們總會收到更多的血樣。 ” |
Ludwig ' s angina is a rapidly spreading , potentially life - threatening infection involving the submental space and the submandibular and sublingual spaces bilaterally 摘要魯特維格氏咽峽炎是一種急性發作、進展迅速,而且可能引起呼吸道阻塞而致命的蜂窩性組織炎。 |
In 1948 , sir ludwig guttmann organized a sports competition involving world war ii veterans with a spinal cord - related injury in stoke mandeville , eingland 1948年,路德維格-古特曼爵士在英國的斯托克曼德維爾專門為二戰中脊髓受損的老兵組織了一次運動會。 |
Her works were also collected by prestigious art institutes such as singapore art museum , shanghai art museum , china art gallery , and ludwig gallery 她的作品為許多著名的藝術機構所收藏,包括德國路德維希美術館、中國美術館、上海美術館、新加坡美術館等。 |
Later , continue our excursion to southern germany to the beautiful fairy - tale castle by king ludwig ii - which later became the model for the walt - disney s symbol 繼續南下,沿著傳奇之路,一面沉緬于名勝古跡的景色,同時也能體會到中世紀的風情。 |
Ludwig wittgenstein holds that the task of philosophy is not the ambitious interpretation of the world but the doubts about the validity of such ambition 摘要到維特根斯坦這里,哲學的任務已由解釋世界的理性努力進展到對于這種理性努力的質疑。 |