
ludicrous adj.可笑的;荒唐的。adv.-ly ,-ness n...


Tactically , it sounds as ludicrous as sprinting the first five kilometres of a marathon . to win a 2000 - metre rowing race , the crew must sprint for the first 500 metres 從戰術上講,在馬拉松比賽前5公里的賽程中全速沖刺是荒唐的,但是要贏得2000米賽艇比賽的勝利,隊員們就必須在前500米全速沖刺。

Tactically , it sounds as ludicrous as rinting the first five kilometres of a marathon . to win a 2000 - metre rowing race , the crew must rint for the first 500 metres 從戰術上講,在馬拉松比賽前5公里的賽程中全速沖刺是荒唐的,但是要贏得2000米賽艇比賽的勝利,隊員們就必須在前500米全速沖刺。

His project of killing napoleon , and his calculations of the cabalistic numbers , and of the beast of the apocalypse struck him now as incomprehensible and positively ludicrous 現在他覺得,他那刺殺拿破侖的企圖,他推算那神秘的數字和“啟示錄”上的那頭獸,都是莫明其妙的,甚至是可笑的。

“ most australian will realize , well , there are rules and it would be absolute chaos , if every other country did what australia is proposing , “ he noted . “ it ' s ludicrous ! 大多數的澳洲人將認識到,任何事情都有規則。并且如果其它的國家都象澳大利亞計劃的這樣做絕對會引起混亂,這很荒謬!

Puppy love is serious to the lovers , if a little ludicrous to parents , brothers , and sisters , but it should be respected , for it has its painful aspects 孩子的初戀對于父母、哥哥、姐姐來說似乎有點幼稚可笑,但對于戀人來說卻是非常嚴肅的,理應受到尊重,因為初戀亦有令人痛苦的一面。

“ most australian will realize , well , there are rules and it would be absolute chaos if every other country did what australia is proposing , “ he noted . “ it ' s ludicrous ! 大多數的澳洲人將認識到,確實有規則。并且如果其他的國家都象澳大利亞正打算的這樣做絕對會引起混亂.這很荒謬!

“ furthermore , the most important thing , which is most damaging to myself and to manchester united football club , are the suggestions that we don ' t want wayne to go ; it ' s absolutely ludicrous “最重要的和對我和曼聯隊傷害最大的是說我們不希望魯尼參加世界杯,這是一派胡言。

Before the minister had time to celebrate his victory over this last temptation , he was conscious of another impulse , more ludicrous , and almost as horrible 牧師還沒來得及慶賀他剛剛戰勝了誘惑,便又覺察到了一次沖動,這次沖動如前幾次一樣可怕,只是更加無稽。

Chelsea ' s ? 24m swoop for michael essien is “ a ludicrous deal “ if the premiership champions harbour serious ambitions of becoming a profitable business 如果英超冠軍雄心勃勃想成為營利的俱樂部的話,切爾西2400萬英鎊收購邁克爾-艾辛稱得是“荒唐的交易“ 。

He was ludicrous ; he was disagreeable with his sarcasm , but yet he roused an involuntary feeling of respect from his boundless devotion to an idea 他是可笑的,他的冷嘲熱諷是令人不愉快的,可是他卻無限忠誠于自己的理想,這就令人不由自主地肅然起敬。

“ the fact that others are scoring regularly for inter this season as well is simply a positive for our club . it seems ludicrous that we are even discussing this . “其他國米隊員本賽季也能進球對我們是件好事。我們在這里討論這些有點可笑啊。 ”

We did not go up into the premiership just to make up the numbers or with a plan to come back down - that ' s a ludicrous suggestion 我們并不是來英超濫竽充數的,也決不會帶著來玩玩然后就回去的想法來打比賽,這樣的想法實在是太荒謬可笑了。 ”

St . germain : that is correct of course . but what about you ? is it not ludicrous for you to be . guiding a traveler in there circumstances 圣:這當然沒錯,可你又如何?不荒謬嗎?沖著一個旅人指手劃腳,干涉他們的狀況。

For much of the 20th century , the notion that stellar collisions might be worth studying seemed ludicrous to astronomers 20世紀有一大段的時間里,天文學家認為恒星碰撞也許值得研究的看法荒誕可笑。

The u . s . patent office may have been stung into action by recent negative publicity and complaints about ludicrous patents 隨著負面宣傳和對于荒謬專利的抱怨不斷發生,美國專利局應該已經著手改進了。

First of all , garrison ' s gorillas is , despite its no - sense premise and ludicrous one - sidedness , extremely well - acted 首先,盡管有個荒謬的前提以及可笑的一邊倒, 《加里森敢死隊》有極其精彩的表演。

“ at the time it was a bit of a nightmare but now i find the whole incident ludicrous and highly amusing , “ she said 吉米說: “當時我覺得簡直就是經歷了一場惡夢,但現在我感到這件事十分滑稽可笑。

“ please , sir “ he said , touching his sun hat , which was stuck on the back of his head in a somewhat ludicrous fashion “請,先生, ”他舉手碰了碰遮陽帽沿,那帽子怪模怪樣地扣在他后腦勺上。

After that , mourinho decided to resign , his frustration at chelsea ' s ludicrous internal politics boiling over 在那之后穆里尼奧決定辭職,他在切爾西可笑的內部矛盾爆發時離去。