
lucullus n.盧庫勒斯〔古羅馬將軍兼執政官,以巨富和舉辦豪華大宴著...


“ true , “ said monte cristo ; “ but what would be the use of living eighteen hundred years after lucullus . if we can do no better than he could ? 基督山說, “但我們距魯古碌斯已有一千八百年了,假如我們不能比他更先進一步,那么做現代人還有什么好處呢? ”

“ alas , i may say with lucullus , if i could have anticipated the honor of your visit , i would have prepared for it 我或許可以借用魯古碌斯的一句話,假如我早知道先生的光臨,我會事先準備一下的。

Lucullus food wines co . ltd 歡樂食品公司

Lucullus dines with lucullus , that is quite sufficient . 什么人請什么人吃飯,明白這個就夠了。 ”