
lucubration n.1.(在燈下)刻苦鉆研;苦思冥想。2.苦心孤詣之作。...


A novel phase - shifted zero - voltage and zero - current switching pwm dc / dc full - bridge converter is presented in this thesis , which is based on the groundwork of summarization of the development of power electronics in recent years and lucubration in theoretical basis of modern high frequency soft switching power convert technique and analysis of operation principle , characteristic of the circuit and inherent drawbacks of the traditional phase - shifted zero - voltage switching pwm dc / dc full - bridge converter 本文在對近年來電力電子學科的發展高度綜述和對現代高頻軟開關功率變換技術理論基礎深入研究的基礎上,對傳統的移相控制zvspwmdc dc全橋變換器的工作原理、電路特性、存在的缺點進行了分析,在此基礎上提出了一種改進型的移相控制zvzcspwmdc dc全橋變換器。

Based on the one and a half year “ s lucubration , the author gets one new error concealment way with better combination between efficiency and running time in processing the errors in video communication . according to the experiment results and relative data analysis , we can get a certain conclusion , which is that the algorithms are correct and useful 課題在開放的h . 263測試模型tmn8中實現了該算法,實現過程包括誤碼的檢測,定位和誤碼部分數據的恢復等工作,并與標準h . 263的結果進行了比較,模擬結果表明,經檢錯和掩蓋之后,解碼圖像質量有了顯著的改善,證明了算法的正確性和實用性。

The way to create a network that is safe at every point has gradually become a very hot topic in network security . “ integerated defence system “ , a project founded by electronic development funds of ministry of information industry , is a lucubration in this area 由信息產業部支持的研究課題“網絡集成防御系統” ,通過對網絡中各節點主機的防火墻進行管理,在實現多機聯合防御領域進行了探索研究。

The appetite for joy which pervades all creation , that tremendous force which sways humanity to its purpose , as the tide sways the helpless weed , was not to be controlled by vague lucubrations over the social rubric 一切生靈都有“尋求快樂的本性” ,人類都要受到這種巨大的力量的支配,就像上下起伏的潮水推動海草一樣,這種力量不是研究社會道德的空洞文章控制得了的。

Based on the lucubration of adsl ' s transmission characters , the author concluded the main noise sources on the loop and their influences to the adsl ' s transmission performance 本文作者在深入了解adsl傳輸特點的基礎上,總結了線路上主要噪聲源的特點及其對adsl傳輸性能的影響。