
lucubrate vi.1.(在燈下)刻苦鉆研;苦思冥想。2.學究式地寫作...


After the model validity is verified . the simulating time is long as 20 years . in order to lucubrate all the variables the exogenous variables , parameters and structure are changed respectively and selectively in the simulating course 在驗證了模型的有效性之后,對模型進行長達二十年的仿真,同時有針對性地改變模型的政策變量,以便更深入地觀察四川省科技發展能力的變化趨勢。

The paper lucubrates the theory and realized methods of the visual servo control on the orthogonal coordinate robot . firstly the paper summarizes the research status of the robot visual servo , the neural network and the remote supervisor 概述了國內外對機器人視覺伺服研究、神經網絡應用研究以及遠程監控應用研究的現狀,提出了此項研究的重要理論意義和實用價值。

Basing on studied native and foreign development status of geometry sculpture and production model , the paper lucubrates iges data structure , brings forward the conversion method of production data model in virtual machining environment 本文在研究國內外幾何造型和產品模型的發展狀況基礎上,深入研究了iges的數據結構。提出了虛擬環境下的產品數據模型的轉換方法。

2 . the technology of objectarx programming has been lucubrated . the 2d and 3d graphics of shaft parts have been automatically drawn by objectarx visiting the autocad database directly and entitative boolean calculation 2 、深入研究了objectarx的編程技術,通過對autocad數據庫進行讀寫操作,并采用實體間的布爾運算解決了復雜立體圖形和平面圖形的自動繪制。

All kinds of comprehensive evaluation methods are lucubrated . the confirmation method of integrated multi - object weigh coefficient is proposed . the comprehensive utilization and choice strategy of these methods are also presented 深入研究了各種綜合評價方法,給出了集成式多目標權系數賦值方法,將多種多目標權系數賦值方法綜合運用并給出了方法選擇策略。

In order to realize a multi - ways video player , we have lucubrated in the efficiency of video decoder , error concealment and video transport in network , accomplished an efficient multi - ways video player 本文從實現監控端多路視頻播放器的目的出發,對視頻播放器的解碼器效率、誤碼掩蓋和視頻網絡傳輸等關鍵技術進行了深入研究,并實現了一個高效的多路播放器。

Since 90 ’ s , after the cost managerial idea and relevant methods have been lucubrated , this is a availability method of procure long - competition ’ s predominance through management and practice of enterprise of japan and the occident proved 90年代以來,對這一思想與相關方法的討論日趨深入,并被日本和歐美的企業管理實踐證明是獲取長期競爭優勢的有效方法。

The author has analyzed and compared several main cases of boundary constraints thoroughly , furthermore , mathematical modeling and error analysis of the most complex boundary constrains case has been lucubrated 文章對八種主要的邊界約束類型做了深入的分析比較,并著重對最復雜的邊界約束情況的數學模型建立、求解及誤差分析展開了細致和詳盡的討論。

Based on all of above , the theories of polarimetric sar interferometry were studied , and several pivotal problems were lucubrated , including vector interfero - metry , coherence optimization , and coherent scattering decomposition 在此基礎上,研究了極化sar干涉測量的理論和方法,對矢量干涉、最優干涉圖形成、干涉相干分解等問題進行了深入的探討。

Then three interfaces of pdm / pm are lucubrated which are interface of project - document integration , project - resource integration and process integration . the scheme based on the component object model is put forward ( 2 )深入研究了基于pdm的項目管理系統的文檔集成接口模型、資源集成接口模型和過程集成接口模型,并提出了基于組件技術的集成方案。

Thus , the urgent affairs is to further make requirements clear , set objective , organize and stabilize the team for tackling key problems and lucubrate the law of soil erosion of the loess plateau by dint of scientific means 因此,當務之急應進一步明晰需求,設定目標,組建并穩定攻關團隊,借助科學研發手段,對黃土高原土壤侵蝕規律進行深入研究。

2 . the flux characteristics of ordinary helical gear pump are lucubrated by theory for the first time , on this condition the selective qualification of the helical gear pump is gained 首次對普通斜齒齒輪泵流量特性進行了深入的理論研究,在此基礎上研究了全齒廓嚙合斜齒齒輪泵流量特性,首次得到了完全消除斜齒齒輪泵流量脈動的螺旋角的選擇條件。

The work lucubrated in this paper is generalized as followers : ( 1 ) creep coefficient of each creep model is simulated and programmed . ( 2 ) the deflection upwards caused by prestress is simulated by differential equations 本文在以下方面進行了較深入的研究: ( 1 )對各種徐變模型的徐變系數進行了模擬電算,并通過比較分析合理選擇計算模型。

It is a problem worth to lucubrate that how to utilize their relations to make the host country can introduce the advanced technology of the multinational corporation more availably to promote the technological progress 如何利用二者之間的關聯,使東道國能夠更為合理有效地引進跨國公司的先進技術以推動其技術進步,是一個值得深入研究的問題。

Therefore , lucubrating the meaning and teaching strategy of views about chemical substance , has been an importance problem that was imminently inquired to settle in current reform of chemical curriculum and teaching 因此,對于化學物質觀的基本內涵及其教學策略的深入研究,已成為當前化學課程與教學改革中迫切需要解決重要課題。

Secondly the bss theories are introduced detailedly , including bss model , assumptive conditions , and so on . 2 、 several classical subarray architectures are discussed . the characteristics of these subarray architectures are lucubrate 2 、深入討論了幾種典型的子陣結構,并分析了各子陣結構的優缺點,提出了子陣劃分的依據。

This thesis is produced exactly based on this background , on the foundation of checking a large quantity of information . combine with practice , lucubrated how enterprises successfully put the erp proceeds into practice 本文正是在這一背景下產生的,在查閱大量資料的基礎上,結合實際,對企業如何成功實施erp進行了深入地研究。

In this thesis , it lucubrated how to obtain a plenty of programs , how to store a mass of mpeg video data , how to share the media library effectively , how to realize the load balance and so on 本文深入研究了如何獲取豐富的視頻節目,如何存儲大量的mpeg視頻數據,如何有效的共享節目資源庫,如何實現動態的負載均衡策略等。

Consequent if we expect to make an investigation on regional architecture , we must hold the otherness of the essence . only this , we can lucubrate the trenchant cause of regional architecture 因此,要對地域性建筑有所研究,必對其本質的差異性有所把握,只有這樣,才能深究其鮮明的地域特性形成的原因。