
lucretius n.1.盧克萊修〔男子名〕。2.Carus Lucret...


His political philosophy is the product of resisting against the history of philosophy . it lays out an orphan line between lucretius , hume , spinoza , nietzsche , and bergson . by the critique of negativity , the cultivation of joy , the hatred of interiority , the faith in the exteriority of forces and relations , the denunciation of power 他的政治哲學是他與哲學史抗爭的產物,展示了他在貫穿盧克萊修、休謨、斯賓諾莎和尼采哲學的傳統中辨認出來的“思想孤兒線” ,即對否定性的拒斥、對力量和關系之外在性的信仰、對內在性的仇視、以及對快樂的頌揚。

As lucretius put it , “ what is food to one man may be fierce to others 正如羅切斯所說: “對于一個人可能是美食的東西,對于其他人可能是毒藥。 ”