
lucre n.利益,賺頭;金錢。 filthy lucre不義之財...


Not , he parenthesised , that for the sake of filthy lucre he need necessarily embrace the lyric platform as a walk in life for any lengthy space of time but a step in the required direction it was , beyond yea or nay , and both monetarily and mentally it contained no reflection on his dignity in the smallest and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be handed a cheque at a muchneeded moment when every little helped 毋寧說,那是朝著必然的方向邁進的一步,不論是從金錢上還是精神上,都絲毫無損于尊嚴。當你手頭急需錢的時候,有人遞過一張支票來,也不無小補。況且盡管近來人們對于音樂的鑒賞力每況愈下,可是不落俗套的那種富于獨創性的音樂還是很快地就會風靡一時。

Being started with two premises of trust of right of shares ( the dispute between right of shares and right of shareholders , the scope of idiographic forms of right of shares ) , trust of right of shares is divided into trust of right of lucre and voting trust in microcosmic significance , and both of them are discussed respectively in this part 第二章對股權信托進行了解構。該部分從股權信托的兩個前提(股權與股東權之爭,股權權能的范圍)入手,在微觀層面上將股權信托細分為收益權信托和表決權信托進行分別討論。

If the crime of unauthorized partition of state property is belonged to crimes committed by a unit , then , the arrangement for the criminal procedure ( whether the unit should be belonged to the defendant ) as well as how to resolve the filthy lucre and booty ( whether the retrieved filthy lucre and booty should be returned to the unit ) and so on , the operations for judicial practice are also puzzled 如果將私分國有資產罪理解為單位犯罪,那么,刑事訴訟程序的安排(是否將單位列作被告)以及贓款贓物的處理(是否將追繳的贓款贓物退還原國有單位)等司法實踐操作也將面臨困惑,這顯然與刑法規定單位犯罪的初衷即“方便有效地打擊單位的犯罪行為”相違背。

The venture capital is a mode of investment , which is the special department of investment collect the capital from the fund or personal by some way , then invest the capita ] into the industry with high variability in the kind of equity , and the investor take part in the management of the enterprise , at last the department of investment transfer the equity and get high lucre 風險投資是指專門的投資機構通過一定的方式向各類機構和個人籌集風險資本,然后將所籌集到的資本以權益投資的形式投入到具有高度不確定性的企業或項目,并參與所投企業或項目的管理,以期實現項目的高成長率并最終通過出售股權取得高額資本收益的一種投資方式。

For trust of right of lucre , as a result of the blankness in theoretic study , we build a theoretical system according to trust fundamental . from the point of view of trust law , function of such trust product is oriented 由于收益權信托在我國理論研究中屬于空白,所以對這種信托本文結合信托法基本原理進行了理論體系上的建構,從信托法的視角對這種信托產品的功能進行了定位。

Part two : it introduces the emergence , function , operation process of bankcard , it also points out main problems existed in market scale , lucre condition , issuance plan , service quality and risk control 第二部分介紹銀行卡的產生、功能、業務運作流程,我國銀行卡業務的歷史發展以及我國銀行卡業務在市場規模、收益水平、發行規劃、服務質量、風險防范方面存在的主要問題。

A new incentive mechanism must be built in order that soes managers can obtain the lucre which is proportional with their human capital property - right , and the predicament of managers incentive in soes can be solved fundamentally 我們必須建立一種新的激勵機制,使國有企業經理能夠獲得與其人力資本產權相稱的收益,從根本上解決國有企業經理激勵問題。

Conquest is easy to be resisted by the employees lf the aim corporation . ir goes against absorbing the excellent facors , but it ’ s easy to gain the lucre if the integration is successful 第二部分論述了文化整合的內涵。第三部分是有關文化整合的實施的內容論述。第四部分是文章的總結。

“ universe rainbow ” product will certainly give you enormous lucre and make your business flourish . let us shake hands together to creat a beautiful tomorrow “九洲彩虹”系列產品定會給您帶來滾滾財源,使您的事業紅紅火火,如日中天。讓我們攜起手來共創一片屬于我們自己的藍天。

In the calm with which you learnt you had become suddenly rich , i read a mind clear of the vice of demas : - lucre had no undue power over you 你知道自己突然發了財時非常鎮靜,從這里我看到了一個毫無底馬罪過的心靈錢財對你并沒有過份的吸引力。

Whose mouths must be stopped , who subvert whole houses , teaching things which they ought not , for filthy lucre ' s sake 11這些人的口總要堵住。他們因貪不義之財,將不該教導的教導人,敗壞人的全家。

Fail is lucre of pioneer 記一個失敗的創業故事失敗也是一種財富

He got rich quickly by acquiring filthy lucre 他靠不義之財暴發了。