
lucrative adj.1. 有利的,賺錢的,合算的。2.【軍事】值得作...


The patents on the first lucrative products of biotechnology are at last approaching their expiration dates 生物技術最早幾件利潤豐厚的產品,其專利已經快要到期了。

She earns an estimated ? 2 million a year in america , with her most lucrative contract being to promote weightwatchers 比特萊斯向往的大學是美國常春藤盟校中的一所。

China ' s entry to the wto will provide tremendous opportunities to tap the lucrative mainland market 中國加入世貿將給予商人大量機會進軍利潤潛力豐厚的中國市場。

China ' s entry to the wto will provide tremendous o ortunities to tap the lucrative mainland market 中國加入世貿將給予商人大量機會進軍利潤潛力豐厚的中國市場。

2 the automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century 汽車工業是20世紀最賺錢、最有影響力的產業之一。

Bmi holds valuable slots that it would love to use for more lucrative long - haul routes 英國米德蘭航空公司占據著有利位置,愿意更多地從事有利可圖的長途線路。

The contract he signed is the most lucrative contract in sports history : a 10 - year deal worth $ 252 million 這個合約創下運動史上的天價: 10年2 . 52億美元。

Jane : i ' m afraid i can ' t stay , tom . the offer from the other company is really lucrative 阿珍:我恐怕無法留下,湯姆。另一家公司提出的條件真的很優渥。

Afghanistan is , after all , within striking distance of the lucrative markets in the gulf 阿富汗地區畢竟在海灣地區也算是一個比較有利可圖的市場。

Vehicle theft is a lucrative business for criminals and driving up insurance premiums 車輛竊盜對罪犯而言是有利可圖的生意而保險費也會因此提高。

Just as loudly , some in industry question the utility of limiting access to a lucrative market 產業界一些人士以同樣高的聲調提出這樣的問題。

However , every “ disaster “ he encountered has turned into a lucrative opportunity or a blessing in disguise 但他每每能夠轉危為機,創造財富。

Chelsea skipper john terry is set to open talks over a new lucrative deal at stamford bridge 切爾西的隊長特里開始了與俱樂部的續約談判

As the man who has just gotten the most lucrative speaking fees , the biggest book deal . . 作為一個賺錢最多的演講費、最大的出書交易. .

Is it becoming more difficult to lure lucrative sponsors to private teams 對私人車隊而言,吸引有利的贊助商是否正變得越來越困難?

I can tell you what . this business is quite a lucrative one . know what i mean 我告訴你們吧,這一行的利潤很豐厚知道我的意思嗎?

As the man who has just gotten the most lucrative speaking fees , the biggest book deal 作為一個賺錢最多的演講費最大的出書交易

Investigators say the sale of false identification on the internet is lucrative 調查者表示因特網上的假證生意是有利可圖的。

The company is starting to make inroads into the lucrative soft - drinks market 公司開始對賺錢的無酒精飲料市場做出努力。