
luck n.1.運氣,造化。2.幸運,僥幸。3.〔古語〕帶來幸運...

luck money

You did not get caught last time , but do not push your luck ! 你上次沒被抓住,可別再碰運氣了。

I want to chance my luck . 我想碰碰運氣。

As luck would have it, one of the rights was the duke himself . 恰巧騎士當中就有公爵本人在內。

My luck is on the ebb . 我的運氣每況愈下。

My luck 's in -- i won a new car in a raffle . 我的運氣來了在有獎抽彩中我得了一輛新汽車。

In spying, luck frequently plays an important role . 從事諜報工作時,機遇常常起著關鍵的作用。

A jinx is said to be someone or something that brings bad luck . 克星指給人帶來晦氣的人或物。

I tried to avoid her , but it was just my luck to bump into her . 我不想見她,偏撞上她了。

She will need luck to get out of a tight corner like that . 她要靠運氣才能擺脫那樣的困境。

He has had the luck to succeed . 他僥幸成功了。

At last you had good luck . 這一下你算是走運了。

Perhaps he was down on his luck . 也許他倒了霉。

The luck turns against me . 運氣變壞了,倒霉了。

London blessed his good luck . 倫敦慶幸自己走運。

Her success is in no small measure the result of luck . 她的成功有不小的因素是靠運氣。

It's just my promiscuous luck . 這是我偶然的鴻運。

You may have much luck yet . 也許你的運氣還不小呢。

I've had jolly luck all through . 我的運氣一直很好。

Once you 've sown , you just have to trust to luck . 播下種子后,讓它聽天由命長吧。