
lucidity n.1.清澄,透明。2.清楚,明白。3.神志清醒。4.洞...


He saw but one means of restoring lucidity and clearness to his judgment . he turned his eyes towards the soup which the jailer had brought , rose , staggered towards it , raised the vessel to his lips , and drank off the contents with a feeling of indescribable pleasure . he had often heard that shipwrecked persons had died through having eagerly devoured too much food 他知道,只有一個辦法可以使他的思想變清晰些把目光轉向了獄卒給他送來的那盆湯上,并站起來踉踉蹌蹌地走了過去,帶著說不出的舒服之感喝干了它,然后他又克制住自己不要吃得太多。

As i have worked with law students on supervised writing projects , i have noticed that lucidity does not come naturally to most law students , perhaps because they have been forced in their legal studies to read so much bad writing that they mistake what they ' ve read for the true and proper model 我曾經負責指導法律專業學生的寫作課,我注意到大多數法律專業學生在寫作時,并不能自然而然地做到清晰易懂,這也許是因為他們在法律學習過程中,常常被迫閱讀大量寫作風格很差的文章,這使得他們誤以為他們所閱讀的文章才是真實和恰當的模式。

If you could answer the question , “ what do you want “ with the lucidity , clarity and specificity that this woman did , i don ' t think you would ever have any difficulty reaching your health and fitness goals . . . or any other goal in your life , for that matter 假如你能象這個婦女那樣清晰獨特地回答“你想要什么”的問題,我不認為你達到健康目標或你生活中其他類似目標有任何困難。

Since 21 century , the direction of the mechanism manufacturing technology has being lucidity . tiny , automatization , network , intelligentize and green are the main direction of the mechanism manufacturing development 進入21世紀以來,機械制造領域的技術發展方向日趨明朗,微精化、自動化、網絡化、智能化、綠色化是帶動機械制造技術發展的主流。

The french are famous for the clarity of their thought and the lucidity of their prose , yet in whatever they do , they never fail to bring chaos , filth and hubbub , as witness the mess on board the ship 法國人的思想是有名的清楚,他的文章也明白干凈,但是他的做事,無不混亂、骯臟、喧嘩,但看這船上的亂糟糟。

If making the black copper walk silver and the spot coppers and the tin system handicraft products to combine together , decorate the result to seem to be the more fresh and gorgeous lucidity 如使烏銅走銀與斑銅和錫制工藝品相結合,裝飾效果顯得更加鮮艷明朗。

But that we ' ve recovered lucidity . one knows , 我們從清醒中醒來。

What i ' m saying is that a little lucidity would not go amiss 我說的是一點透明度不會有害處

Make your students awaken to the pain of lucidity 讓你的學生意識到清醒的痛苦

It is no doubt necessary to train young men and women to present their knowledge and ideas with lucidity . 無疑,有必要培養男女青年清晰表達自己的思想和見解的能力。

Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible . 她如此冷靜而理智,使他感到驚異,但他并沒有因此誤認為她沒有感情。

She knew they would be powerless against the supernatural lucidity of her brain . 她心里已料到這些對今晚格外清醒的思維來說必將無濟于事。

It is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections . 即使是最細膩的思想也是可以表達得很清楚的。

Lucidity has been honest and continued intention . 曉暢即是他忠實不渝的志趣。