
lucid adj.1.清澈的,透明的。2.清楚的;明白的。3.神志...

lucid dream

Unfortunately she is unable to give a lucid response when asked for an address and thus ends up in joe ' s one room abode 不幸的是,神志不清的她不能夠告知喬明確的地址,最終只好歸宿于喬的住所。

Yet he chronicles his travels with a wearying feather - light jocularity , prizing one - liners over lucid analysis 但他記錄旅行的筆法卻是乏味的、輕佻的滑稽,用清晰的分析消解了俏皮話的趣味。

Yet he chronicles his travels with a wearying feather - light jocularity , prizing one - liners over lucid analysis 但他記錄旅行的筆法卻是乏味的、輕佻的滑稽,過多的俏皮話替代了清晰的分析。

Real devotion is rooted in an awed and reverent gratitude , but one that is lucid , grounded , and intelligent 真正的恭敬心是根植在敬畏的、虔誠的感謝上,但卻不失清楚的覺知、腳踏實地和智慧。

I have also noticed that simply directing someone to be lucid doesn ' t often help him or her to become so 我同樣注意到,僅僅通過引導,通常并不能真正的幫助學生養成清晰易懂的寫作風格。

The pond , mirroring mountains of verdant green , paints an exquisite landscape picture on its lucid surface 湖面上,倒映著青翠的高山,襯托著明凈的湖水,成了一幅水色山光的優美畫面。

As literary remnants of the ancient past , the upanishads ? both lucid and elegant - have great literary value 遠古的過去留下的文字殘跡? ?奧義書,既明晰又文雅,擁有極大的文學價值。

He gave a more lucid exposition of the party ' s strategy than bush has managed in months of obfuscation 他對該黨的策略提出一個比布希幾個月來的模糊焦點更能清楚易懂的解釋。

His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on american and british fiction in the 20th century 他簡潔明白的文字風格對20世紀的英美小說影響極深。

Some things are clear , the lucid fragments of a dream , a conversation over the phone one easter 有些事是清晰的,如某些夢的片斷,復活節時在電話里的一段對話。

He lucid and anguished observer has been taken in hand , purged , by the severity of theory 清醒而痛苦的觀察者陷入嚴苛理論的掌控,進而遭受理論的清算。

Lucid remains the only woman to have been awarded with the congressional space medal of honor 路西德至今仍為唯一獲得美國國會太空榮譽勛章的女性。

Through this three - part exposition on the issue is basically a more lucid answer 通過這三個部分的闡述基本上對上述問題作一個比較明晰的解答。

And aquamarine really does seem to have captured the lucid blue of the oceans 生命的力量。海藍寶石似乎也完美呈現出海洋清晰明亮的藍色調。

Spirit speaks - expansive description of out of body experiences and lucid dreaming 講精神膨脹描述出體經驗和明晰的夢想

The style is lucid and lively 筆調很明快。

His style is very lucid 他的文風簡單明了。

The language of the story is so lucid that it is within everyone ' s grasp 故事的語言如此簡單明白,人人都看得懂。

Even his delusionsare lucid 即使他的錯覺很清晰