
lucian n.盧西恩〔男子名〕。


Employing the method of literature study , this thesis tries to make a systematic introduction , analysis and comment of lucian w pye ' s chinese political culture study , with a wish to make up for the deficiency of study about this master of the political culture in chinese academic field 本文采用文獻研究的方法,試圖對白魯恂的中國政治文化研究進行較為系統的介紹、梳理與評析,以期彌補國內學術界對這位政治文化大師研究的不足。

Lucian w . pye had a deep insight of authoritative dependence , relation politics , political power derived from moral authority , people ' s cognitive unconformity of chinese political culture , which is quite valuable in studying chinese political problems 白魯恂對中國傳統政治文化中的權威依賴、關系政治、政治權力源自道德權威、人民的認知不協調等特色的深刻洞見,對分析中國政治問題極具價值。

Against the orders of her superior , kraven shane brolly , who is obsessively in love with selene , she awakens the most powerful vampire of all time , viktor bill nighy and prepares for a massive feud against lycan leader lucian michael sheen 雙方爭斗了數個世紀,直至令狼人聞風喪膽的吸血鬼女戰士姬蒂碧潔仙愛上一名愛好和平的次生狼人史葛史畢曼,世界平衡的力量遭到徹底破壞

Lucian george , 12 , a pupil at highgate junior school in north london , was delving into the volumes on poland and wildlife in central europe when he noted the mistakes 12歲的盧西恩?喬治是倫敦北部海格特小學的學生,他在鉆研波蘭和中歐野生動植物卷時注意到這些錯誤。

Ten days ago , the encyclopaedia britannica , which was first issued by the society of gentlemen in scotland between 1768 and 1777 in edinburgh , wrote to lucian 10天前, 《大英百科全書》致函盧西恩。該書由蘇格蘭紳士協會于1768至1777年間在愛丁堡出版。

In spite of the mistakes , lucian said he still considered the encyclopaedia to be the single best source of information 盧西恩說盡管百科全書中出現了一些錯誤,他仍然認為這部書是唯一最好的信息來源。

The pillars of the saint lucian economy are banking and tourism , and exports include bananas , coconuts and citrus fruits 圣露西亞的經濟支柱為金融業與旅游業,并出口香蕉、椰子與柑橘等水果。

I ' m lucian 我是魯肖恩

Lucian is dead 魯肖恩已經死了

Did you have the nerve to cut the skin from his arm , or did lucian do it 是你有勇氣從盧西恩身上割下那塊皮膚?還是他自己割的

Yet the ancient feud proved unwilling to follow lucian to the grave 然而這陳怨舊宿似乎不愿隨著盧西恩的死而埋入墳墓

There ' s not a shred of proof he killed lucian , only his word 沒有一點證據證明他殺了盧西恩,這只是他自己說的

Lucian , the most feared and ruthless leader ever to rule the lycan clan . . 盧西恩,一個殘忍恐怖的狼族首領. .

If lucian was able to get his hands on the blood of a pure - born . . 如果盧西恩能夠得到純凈的血統的幫助. .

My only interest is finding out why lucian wants you so badly 我唯一的興趣在于為什么狼人那么急需要你

If lucian was able to get his hands on the blood of a pure - born 如果魯肖恩能夠得到一個純種的人的血

But i did see lucian . i shot him . you must believe me 但我確實看見了盧西恩,我擊中了他你應該相信我

Just keep your men at bay , lucian 就讓你的人呆在海灣,盧西恩

- not since the days of lucian . - i know that , kahn 自從魯肖恩時代起,就沒有過了我知道,卡恩