
luces n.lux 的復數異體。


Certainly do not . i have only a saddle - horse here to - day ; but come to “ the flower - de - luce “ , and i ll hire a trap , and drive you home with me 今天我這兒有一匹備好了鞍子的馬我們可以騎馬到花露斯酒店,在那兒我可以雇一輛馬車,和我一起坐馬車回家去。 ”

The maids don t think it respectable to dance at “ the flower - de - luce “ , he explained “女孩子們覺得在花露斯這個地方來跳舞不雅觀, ”他解釋說。

“ gov . luce , “ he said , “ can beat barnes out of his boots . “盧斯州長, ”他說, “一定能徹底打敗巴恩斯。 ”