
lucency n.1.發亮。2.透明。


Alone the jade is produced in nan yang city du shan county , be well - known throughout alone the jade a lot of but after whose color , that fits therefore alone the jade usually has the china emerald in recent years blockage because of jade ore , forbid exploit , alone beautiful price is more expensive , that best material treasures up but alone good one jade therefore in taking three - colour material of azure to also be alone jade , is that your sagaciousness chooses , therefore alone the jade has the potential collecting with appreciation more . alone white jade : population is often semi - transparent for white , milky white , till the tiny lucency or opacity , the diversity judging by transparency and texture there be permeable white oil , to white , to do three white species appellations , alone the among them take permeable white as the best , white jade accounts for 10 % of du shan county jade for entire about 獨玉產于南陽獨山,獨玉經其色彩眾多而聞名,所以獨玉素有中華翡翠之稱近年來由于玉礦的封鎖,禁止開采,獨玉的價格更為昂貴,而帶天藍三色的料子更是獨玉中最好的料子所以珍藏一款好的獨玉,是你的明智選擇,所以獨玉更具有收藏和升值的潛力白獨玉:總體為白色,乳白色,常為半透明至微透明或不透明,依據透明度和質地的不同又有透水白、油白、干白三種稱謂,其中以透水白為最佳,白獨玉約占整個獨山玉的10 。

Niger with phytase activity about 2250 u / ml which selected by protoplast - uv mutation was used as original , prepared it into fungu - suspend - liquid , through uv mutation , daub on the filter - substract . pre - primary - selection was according to the lucency - circle , primary - selection was one fungus inoculate one flask to ferment , secondary - selection was using several high phytase activity fungus through one fungus inoculate 2 - 3 flasks to ferment . then one or two high phytase activity fungus of the secondary selection were used in the next mutation cycle 首先用粗略制備的原生質體經紫外誘變篩選到一株酶活為2250u ml的實驗出發菌;制備成菌懸液,紫外燈下照射誘變,紅光下涂抹篩選平板,恒溫培養2 3d ;按透明圈大小進行預初篩,挑選徑圈比大的菌落接斜面,恒溫培養3d ;按一株一瓶的方式進行初篩;從中選取酶活較大的3 5株,按一株2 3瓶的方式進行復篩;挑取酶活大且穩定的1 2株進入下一代誘變篩選。

Lucency : hope to have more scores for popular music and video songs 透明:希望流行音樂和電視劇插曲的樂譜可以更多!