
luce n.盧斯〔姓氏〕。


For missionary purpose , it was a tribute donated by mr . henry r . luce , the founder of time magazine , in memorial of his father . the chapel was located on the grand pasture , center of the campus . however , it does not dominate any axis , area , or region that indicate a free - will religious education wit no rigid authority , dignity in congruent with affability 路思義教堂溫柔地呵護著東海校園,由美國《時代》雜志創辦人亨利路思義先生捐款興建,為宣揚福音并紀念父親,由貝聿銘與陳其寬設計,位在校園中心的大草地上,卻沒有支配任何軸線或區域,反映了東海大學柔性的宗教教育,沒有權威感,親切而不失穩重,在人們需要時,自發地親近神的殿堂,感受神圣與莊嚴。

Henry robinson luce and briton hadden created time in 1923 , as the first news weekly and the first of the three top news weekly , it has many characters in both editing skills and managements which has made it develop from its initiative circulation - less than 10 thousands - to more than 10 million per week and become the badge not only for that period but also for the whole magazine industry 由亨利?魯斯( henryrobinsonluce )和布理敦?哈登( britonhadden )于1923年創辦的《時代》周刊,不僅是最早的美國現代新聞類周刊,而且在八十年后的今天還穩居美國三大新聞周刊之首,在編輯和經營方面都形成了自己的鮮明特色,成為美國乃至世界雜志業的標志和典型。

Chung chi college , the department of music , and the univeristy library system are jointly presenting an exhibiton of eight decades of cantonese opera in hong kong ( 1920 - 2000 ) from 1st march to 30th march 2002 at the elisabeth luce moore library to commemorate the golden jubilee of chung chi college 為慶祝崇基學院金禧校慶,崇基學院、音樂系和大學圖書館系統合辦崇基學院金禧校慶展覽:香港粵劇八十年( 1920 - 2000 ) ,于崇基牟路思怡圖書館展出音樂系收藏之薛覺先藏品、任白藏品、神功戲資料,以及大學圖書館系統的有關藏書,展期至本月三十日止。

University library system coordinates the collections and services of the university library and branch libraries : the elisabeth luce moore library of chung chi college , the ch ien mu library of new asia college , the wu chung multimedia library of united college , the li ping medical library at the teaching hospital complex in shatin , and the architecture library 大學圖書館系統包括大學圖書館和五所分館:崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館、新亞書院錢穆圖書館、聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館、李炳醫學圖書館(設于沙田教習醫院)和建筑學圖書館。

Luce wanted make a refining and reflective magazine based on personage report , which shape the time characters with interpretive report , cover story , group journalism and unique writing style . these characters made time itself difference from other publications all of the above is not only innovation of luce ' s journalism thinking but also a new model for mass media in that period 魯斯對于《時代》周刊的最初規劃,就是一份精簡而深入的以人物為主的公正的新聞刊物,于是深入的解釋性報道,精心制作的封面報道,集體新聞寫作制度,精簡而獨特的寫作風格,成為《時代》區別于當時其他媒體的特色。

University library system coordinates the collections and services of the university library and branch libraries : the elisabeth luce moore library of chung chi college , the ch ien mu library of new asia college , the wu chung multimedia library of united college , the li ping medical library at the teaching hospital complex in shatin , the architecture library and the law library 大學圖書館系統包括大學圖書館和五所分館:崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館、新亞書院錢穆圖書館、聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館、李炳醫學圖書館(設于沙田教習醫院) 、建筑學圖書館和法律圖書館。

Architects and building planners in asia are looking for reliable , high - performance , colour - changing led lighting systems to illuminate and highlight their buildings in the competitive skylines of asias rapidly growing cities , ? said darren luce , tirs vice president of global sales , commercial and industrial markets 透過tbs動畫王,讓初學者可從接觸卡通開始,到進一步認識動畫的原理與制作,在短短幾天的學習過程中,即可將自己的創意及想法透過動畫的方式完整呈現。

Its reach may still be miniscule within india , but it is spreading , and the terrorists who blow up trains in bombay are at least as great a threat to india ' s economic future as any that luce lists 印度伊斯蘭狂熱主義的活動范圍也許還很小,但已有一股蔓延之勢,恐怖分子還在孟賣炸毀火車,嚴重威脅了印度的經濟發展,威脅程度絲毫不低于盧斯列出的其他因素。

Many articles and books on india end here , but luce explains the reasons for india ' s interminable paradoxes , arguing they are the logical outcomes of illogical polices 很多的文章和書都在談到這里時而終止,但是盧斯卻給出了這種長期的矛盾觀點的解釋,爭論了他們是合乎邏輯的非邏輯政策的產出。

By working up with time ' s characters and evolutions , this thesis seeks the trace of luce ' s route for time in which evident innovation and development can be seen 本文試圖通過對《時代》發展的歷程、鮮明特色進行一些歸納和梳理,從而找尋魯斯對《時代》創新與發展的足跡,以示后人。

Many articles and books on india end here , but luce explains the reasons for india ' s interminable paradoxes , arguing they are the logical outcomes of illogical polices 許多關于印度的文章和書到這個就結尾了,但是路西解釋了印度的無休止的是非而是的事,證明他們是不合理政策的合理結果

Certainly do not . i have only a saddle - horse here to - day ; but come to “ the flower - de - luce “ , and i ll hire a trap , and drive you home with me 今天我這兒有一匹備好了鞍子的馬我們可以騎馬到花露斯酒店,在那兒我可以雇一輛馬車,和我一起坐馬車回家去。 ”

Like many of his fellow , colonists mr . luce was a high or rather a deep conservative 像他一樣的移民中,盧斯先生是許多偏激的? ?或者不如說是頑固的? ?保守分子中的一個。

This deciduous cypress could be seen at the parking lot outside elizabeth luce moore library of chung chi college 這顆落羽松生長于崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館旁停車場。

The elisabeth luce moore library holds strong collections in education , music and religious studies 大學圖書館廣泛收藏自然科學、工程學、社會科學和工商管理書籍。

The elisabeth luce moore library holds strong collections in education , music and religious studies 大學圖書館廣泛收藏科學、工程學、社會科學和工商管理書籍。

We can conclude that the innovation and development of henry luce has deep impact on time 可以說,魯斯新聞思想的創新與發展對《時代》周刊產生了巨大的影響。

The maids don t think it respectable to dance at “ the flower - de - luce “ , he explained “女孩子們覺得在花露斯這個地方來跳舞不雅觀, ”他解釋說。

This is all perfectly sensible , but not all of luce ' s arguments are rock solid 這些建議都相當合理,但盧斯的觀點并非全都不可辨駁。