
lucas n.盧卡斯〔姓氏〕。


[ mrs bennet ] he danced with miss lucas 他和盧卡斯小姐跳舞了

Frank lucas don ' t run from nobody 弗蘭克-盧卡斯從不當逃兵。

Written and directed by george lucas 編劇、導演:喬治?盧卡斯

Hey , walter . - what can i do for you , sergeant lucas -嗨,沃爾特-我能為你做點什么,盧卡斯警官

Your friend miss lucas is a most amusing young woman 你的朋友盧卡斯小姐是一個非常風趣的年輕女士

I ' ve been dreaming about meeting lucas 我在娘胎里面就開始夢想

Charlotte lucas : oh ! not if he sees jane or lizzie first 夏洛特?盧卡斯:噢,我可沒簡和莉齊漂亮。

Lucas had to take what he regards as risks with the prequels 盧卡斯知道拍攝前傳就必須承擔風險。

With the arrival of george lucas , the pace has ramped up 隨著喬治?盧卡斯的到來,速度大大加快。

Sir william lucas , for instance , is a very agreeable man 比如威廉?盧卡斯爵士就是位很和藹的人

Morey said monday there is some renewed interest in lucas 星期一穆雷說又有球隊對盧卡斯有意。

If george lucas can skip his prom , i can skip mine 如果喬治?盧卡斯可以不去畢業舞會,我也可以

Sergeant lucas . you mind if i come in 盧卡斯警官,我可以進來嗎?

She mentioned this to her friend miss lucas 伊麗莎白曾經跟自己的朋友盧卡斯小姐談到過這一點。

A class of linear diophantine equations with lucas number coefficients 數為系數的線性不定方程

On the lucas base and computation of counting function mean value 基和一個計數函數均值的計算

First of all , he asked miss lucas 他頭一場舞是邀請盧卡斯小姐跳的。

Sun of products of odd power of fibonacci number and lucas number 數乘積的奇數次方的積和式

Make sure those are tight , lucas . - okay 確保這些都綁緊了,盧卡斯好的