
lubricity n.1.光滑,滑潤性,潤滑能力。2.難捉摸;動搖,不穩定...


The paper introduced the preparation of a new water - soluble extreme pressure agent applied in processing of metals . the triple - extreme - pressure agent was compounded through tl - type stable controller by single - extreme - pressure agents containing sulphur , phosphor and boron separately . the new one has many characters , e . g . water - soluble extreme pressure , lubricity , anti - rust and stability 介紹了新型金屬加工用的水溶性極壓添加劑的研制,以含硫、磷、硼的單系極壓劑,經tl型穩定調節劑復合成三元極壓添加劑,具有水溶性、極壓性、潤滑性、防銹性、穩定性兼顧的特點。

Field using indicates that the polymer drilling fluid is suitable for the large size hole because of its remarkable cuttings removal ability ; and polysulfide drilling fluid shows its strong inhibition , anti - sloughing and good cuttings transportation ; while for polysulfide drilling fluid mixed with oil , it has better cuttings removal , suspension and lubricity , which are desirable for horizontal drilling 現場應用結果表明,聚合物鉆井液體系解決了大井眼攜巖問題;聚磺鉆井液體系抑制能力、防塌能力、攜巖能力強;聚磺混油鉆井液體系的攜帶、懸浮巖屑能力及潤滑性更好。

Introduction : yh series of artesian well has a good lubricity , floatability and rheopery . it plays an important role in protecting the wall of the well , and it also can be used in the aspects of oil field artesian well and oil base unfreezing slurry 介紹: yh系列鉆井用膨潤土具有良好的潤滑性,懸浮性和觸變性,能有效地起到保護井壁的作用,可用于油田鉆井,油基解卡泥漿等方面

They used this method to improve the surface lubricity , antithrombogenicity , antibacterial , nettability and cell growth activity of the biomaterials , get a series of photo - chemical immobilized biomaterials which had good biocompatibility 接著在這一新材料表面對鼠成纖維細胞( sto )進行無血清培養,培養2小時后,在低于lcst的溫度下對sto細胞進行選擇性脫附。

This is because a solid film can be formed in the coating containing ptfe . it features good lubricity , less friction coefficient . at the same time , the sic particles can improve the wear resistance of the coating 這是由于鍍層中的ptfe微粒在磨損時可形成固體潤滑膜,具有潤滑性好、摩擦系數小等特性;而鍍層中的sic硬質粒子提高了鍍層的耐磨性。

Emissions of greenhouse gases , carbon monoxide and particulates could all be significantly reduced . and biofuels also improve vehicle performance ? biodiesel lubricity actually extends the life of diesel engines 溫室氣體、一氧化碳和微粒的排放全都可以顯著降低。而且生物燃料還能改善交通工具的性能? ?生物柴油的潤滑可以真正地延長柴油機的壽命。

Soluble in water and many organic solvent , owning good lubricity and thermal stability , almost having no toxicity and excitability , being able to occur esterification reaction and etherification reaction with other compounds 能溶于水和多種有機溶劑,有優越的潤滑性及熱穩定性,幾乎沒有毒性和刺激性,可與其他化合物起酯化、醚化反應。

A colorless , odorless , clear liquid noncombustible , thermostable , very stable to various chenicals , having good lubricity & excellent dielectric properties , nonpoisonous & noncorrosive 無色無臭透明液體,不燃燒,對熱穩定,對各種化學品高度穩定,具有良好的潤滑性和優良的介電性,無毒,無腐蝕性。

Ea - 5583 is a mineral and graphite filled phenolic molding compound , developed for seal applications . it offers excellent dimensional stability , lubricity , and low abrasion properties 其具有優良的尺寸穩定性,密封性,潤滑性,耐磨性等,適用于制造密封耐磨等結構件。

Ni - w - b - ptfe composite coating played a remarkable increase in wear resistance compared with ni - w - b and ni - w alloys because of the addition and self - lubricity of ptfe particle in deposit 由于pite粒子所具有的自潤滑性,在鍍層中加人iqte分散粒子后, ni w

Methods of test for petroleum and its products - diesel fuel - assessment of lubricity using the high - frequency reciprocating rig - test method 石油及其制品的試驗方法.柴油.用高頻往復式裝置評定燃油的潤滑性.試驗方法

Emcyldn oils have extra oiliness and separate easily from water , providing good lubricity and minimizing the wear in machine elements Emcyldn具有極佳的油膩性,并容易自水分離,能提供優異的潤滑性與降低機件的磨損。

The ginseng ingredients collaborating with the skin physiology mutually can improve skin ' s tenderness and lubricity , and then delay it to becoming old 人參成份與皮膚生理相互協作,促進皮膚的柔嫩幼滑,延緩衰老。

Zinc stearate is the coordination thermal stabilizer for pvc with good lubricity , vulcanization - resistance , non - poisonous and inhibiting initial coloring 本品為聚氯乙稀的無毒穩定劑,主要用于軟質制品。

The silicon carbide has the advantages of excellent corrosion resistance , high coefficient of heat conductivity , self - lubricity , small expansion 簡要說明:碳化硅密封環是機械密封中用途最廣的摩擦材料。

Lubricity which is one of the important quality specifications of diesel fuels can be determined by iso12156 - 1 摘要柴油潤滑性是車用柴油的一項重要質量指標,該分析項目采用的測定標準為iso12156 - 1 。

Standard test method for evaluating lubricity of diesel fuels by the scuffing load ball - on - cylinder lubricity evaluator slbocle 通過磨損負載下氣缸上球潤滑性鑒定器評價柴油燃料潤滑性的標準試驗方法

It has exceptional lubricity and extreme pressure properties that give outstanding surface finishes as well as longer tool life 本產品不含有活性硫極壓添加劑,但仍具備極佳的潤滑和極壓性能。

It blends easily with petro - diesel and can be used as an additive to ultra - low sulphur diesel to increase lubricity 它可以很容易地與石油柴油混合,而且可以作為超低硫柴油的添加劑,增加潤滑。