
lubricious adj.= lubricous.


Viscose staple fiber with high moisture is a kind of cellulosic fiber with relatively higher dry - strengh and wet - strength , and wet modulus , whose material is high quality cotton and wood pulp being 100 natural regenerated fiber , it has a soft and lubricious feeling , and a strong feeling of silk touching it will give you a very comfortable feeling 高濕模量粘膠短纖維是一種具有較高的干強、濕強度、濕模量的纖維素纖維,它是以優質棉木漿為原料的100的天然再生纖維,纖維質地柔軟滑爽,絲質感強,具有良好的手感和懸垂感,織物形態穩定性強,耐洗滌,抗褶皺,穿著舒適。

In special operation , jiangsu province was made clear “ jiangsu of base oneself upon , face the whole nation , outside outspread condition “ the fight is politic , to the clew of bawdy pornography crime that discovers on the net , no matter in churchyard open bawdy lubricious love net stands to still be outside the condition , hire network serves a space , organize picked troops strong will , check after all , destroy stoutly , eliminate a harm 在專項行動中,江蘇省明確了“立足江蘇,面向全國,延伸境外”的斗爭策略,對網上發現的淫穢色情犯罪線索,無論在境內開辦淫穢色情網站還是在境外租用網絡服務空間,都組織精兵強將,一查到底,果斷打掉,消除危害。

Law of coloring of change orchid family name , can be bacterial cent two kinds big : use method of this kind of coloring , it is to use gentian to catch a bug first , all bacteria caught purple , besmear again next with iodic fluid , will strengthen the tie of dye and bacterium body , the alcohol of 95 comes to reoccupy decolour 20 30 seconds , some bacteria not by decolour , still withhold purple , some bacteria are become by decolour colorless , reoccupy answer is red finally answer catch 1 minute , the result already was caught by the bacterium of decolour cheng gong is lubricious , not the bacterium of decolour still keeps purple , no longer chromatic , such , every is caught purple bacterium calls bacterium of positive of change orchid family name ; ran chenggong calls bacterium of negative of change orchid family name lubriciously 革蘭氏染色法,能夠把細菌分為兩大類:采用這種染色方法,是先用龍膽紫來染病菌,所有細菌都染成了紫色,然后再涂以碘液,來加強染料與菌體的結合,再用95的酒精來脫色20 30秒鐘,有些細菌不被脫色,仍保留紫色,有些細菌被脫色變成無色,最后再用復紅復染1分鐘,結果已被脫色的細菌被染成紅色,未脫色的細菌仍然保持紫色,不再著色,這樣,凡被染成紫色的細菌稱為革蘭氏陽性菌;染成紅色的稱為革蘭氏陰性菌。

Want to raise the successful rate of to apply for a job , besides necessary professional knowledge and interview preparation , good psychology quality is mixed outside the indispensable element such as appropriate appearance , to apply for a job person learn to be in even interview moment “ examine yan guan is lubricious “ 要提高求職的成功率,除了必要的專業知識和面試預備、良好的心理素質和合適的儀表等不可或缺的要素外,求職者還要學會在面試時候“察顏觀色” 。

On the basis of the engage efficiency and lubricious conditions , theoretical transmission efficiency with the different drive ratios ( 1 / 50 and 6 / 31 ) of involute cylinder worm gears is analyzed . at the same time , the change trend of engage efficiency and transmission efficiency with different design parameters is discussed . the experimental investigation on transmission efficiency 從漸開線蝸輪蝸桿傳動的嚙合效率和潤滑條件兩個方面對不同傳動比的漸開線圓柱蝸桿的傳動效率進行理論分析,并通過傳動比分別為1 / 50和6 / 31的漸開線圓柱蝸桿設計參數得到蝸桿潤滑條件的理論分析結果和蝸桿嚙合效率、傳動效率的變化趨勢,同時利用電測法對蝸桿傳動的傳動效率、潤滑油平衡溫度進行測試,將測試數據與理論計算結果進行對比分析,得出理論分析結果的正確性。

Have italy to import brand loom and german hai debao double lubricious offset press reachs all sorts of auxiliary equipment , professional production knits the dress box such as the mark side ma , tag , bag to include the auxiliary material of shoe line of business 擁有意大利進口商標織機和德國海德堡雙色膠印機及各種輔助設備,專業生產織嘜、吊牌、包邊標等服飾箱包鞋業的輔助材料。

Green crab , also say to curium predestined relationship green crab , head cuirass is short and wider , two side do not have long thorn , nearly elliptic , viridescence is lubricious , big individual have 10 centimeters long normally , 14 centimeters wide 青蟹,也稱鋸緣青蟹,頭胸甲短而較寬,兩側無長棘,幾近橢圓形,青綠色,大個體通常有10厘米長, 14厘米寬。

Function : pearl cream prevents your skin from spots and diminishes wrinkles while keeping your skin lubricious and snowy white with a healthy glow . directions : twice daily in the morning and in the evening 功能:經常使用可使肌膚緊縮平滑,健康柔嫩減緩肌膚衰老,減輕皺紋消除黑斑,使之產生光澤,特別是對消除臉部黃褐斑效果顯著。

The product regulates sebum secretion , help skin to resume elasticity mildly and safely , the oil absorbing particle that the product contains can absorb excessive sebum , leaving your skin become lubricious and tender 調理皮脂分泌,溫和安全地幫助肌膚恢復彈性,含有的吸油粒子能吸收過多分泌的油脂,使肌膚變得光滑、細嫩。

Sturgeon , or call stone old ghost , head cuirass is hexagonal , chela is sufficient powerful , sufficient edge back an abdomen provides bristle , congeneric kind more , or viridescence color , or he gong is lubricious 鱘,或稱石老鬼,頭胸甲為六角形,螯足強大,足背腹沿具剛毛,同屬種較多,或青綠色,或赫紅色。

Color becomes aware the examination uses color to become aware the examination pursues , cent is 3 level namely lubricious weak , achromatopsia person , reach the person that only color identifies ability 色覺檢查采用色覺檢查圖,分為三個級別即色弱者,色盲者,及單顏色識別能力者。

It prevent your skin from getting coarse and aged . it also removes dark and diminishes wrinkles while keeping your skin lubricious and snowy white with a healthy glow 功能:促進皮膚細胞的更新,使肌膚緊縮平滑健康柔嫩,減慢肌膚衰老,消除黑斑,使之產生光澤。

Persistence does not understand at lubricious person “ scene is hollow namely “ , persistence also does not understand at empty person “ it is color namely for nothing “ 執著于色的人不明白“色即是空” ,執著于空的人也不明白“空即是色” 。

Ah the renown language that fly : ah the lubricious way that anger of a kind of sadness shows in flying look : my blame of 啊飛的名語:啊飛目光中露出一種悲傷憤怒之色道:我和別人不同,我非成名不可,不成名我只有死

Male crab dark purple , have pale lubricious yun ban , “ beautiful crab “ renown from this and come , female crab is color of color of loess more 雄蟹暗紫色,有青白色云斑, “花蟹”之名由此而來,雌蟹則多為土黃色。

The shinning metal gleam can reflects women ' s thin & soft & lubricious skin , incarnate the city female ' s fashion taste 閃亮的金屬光芒,映襯出女人肌膚細膩柔滑,體現都市女性的潮流品位。

Somebody discovers , this kind of patient is facial often produce huang heban etc lubricious confused is ad cool - headed 有人發現,此類患者面部常發生黃褐斑及其他色紊沉著。