
lubricator n.1.潤滑劑;注油器。2.加潤滑劑的人,注油人。


In the dissertation high - temperature corundum honeycombed ceramic regenerative body was prepared by an extrusion process , a - al2o3 minute powder as main raw material , clay , cmc etc as plasticizers , tung oil etc as lubricator . the plastic performance was tested on a plastic measure apparatus 以a - al _ 2o _ 3微粉料為主原料,采用粘土、羧甲基纖維素( cmc )等有機-無機復合增塑劑,加入桐油等作為潤滑劑,采用擠出成型法制備剛玉質高溫型蜂窩陶瓷蓄熱體。

Our portable compressors are equipped with pressure regulators with filter and lubricators in order to make the best use of the specific tools of professional applications 為了能使專業工具得到充分的利用,我們的便攜式壓縮機裝備有空氣過濾器自動潤滑裝置和壓力調節器。

Of each of the five - car trainsets operating on the line , solid - stick lcf lubricators were mounted on the leading and trailing axles , and on one wheelset on the middle car 在由五節車廂組成的每列車上, lcf固體潤滑器安裝在首軸和尾軸,已及中間車輛的一個輪對上。

Pneumatic fluid power - compressed air lubricators - part 1 : main characteristics to be included in supplier ' s literature and product - marking requirements 氣液流體動力.壓縮空氣潤滑器.第1部分:預定列入供應商資料中的產品主要特性和標記要求

Pneumatic fluid power . compressed air lubricators . part 1 : main characteristics to be included in supplier ' s literature and product - marking requirements 氣壓流體動力.壓縮空氣潤滑器.第1部分:供應商資料中應包含的主要特性和產品標記要求

Pneumatic fluid power - compressed air lubricators - part 2 : test methods to determine the main characteristics to be included in supplier ' s literature 氣液動力.壓縮空氣潤滑器.第2部分:預定列入供應商資料中的產品主要特性的測定試驗方法

Pneumatic fluid power . compressed air lubricators . part 2 : test methods to determine the main characteristics to be included in supplier ' s literature 氣動流體動力.壓縮空氣潤滑器.第2部分:測定供應商資料中應包含的主要特性的試驗方法

Our portable compressors are equipped with pressure regulators with filter and lubricators to ensure the most effective use of specific tools 我們的便攜式壓縮機有空氣過濾和自動潤滑裝置,裝有壓力調節器保證最有效的適應工具的使用。

The metro first experimented with russian - designed oil - filled wick - type lubricant , and traditional north american piston - type wayside lubricators 地鐵公司首次嘗試由俄羅斯設計的充油芯型潤滑劑,以及傳統的北美活塞式軌旁潤滑器。

Pneumatic fluid power - compressed air lubricators - main characteristics to be included in supplier ' s literature and product - marking requirements 氣動流體動力.壓縮空氣潤滑器.供貨商的文件和產品標志要求包括主要特性

Pneumatic fluid power - compressed air lubricators - test methods to determine the main characteristics to be included in supplier ' s literature 氣動流體動力.壓縮空氣潤滑器.供貨商文件包括主要特性測定的試驗方法

Chrome blasted structure is good looking and durable with anode surface treatment . with easy - collecting base , lubricators can be applied to work and 給油桶過濾網,能使用過的沖削油過濾回收再使用,

Micro - adjusted lubricators can procvide an even double coat of lubrication to greatly improve the service life of die 沖壓材料能上下兩面薄薄均勻給油,可提高模具的壽命。

Specification for moulded transparent polycarbonate bowls used in compressed air filters and lubricators 壓縮空氣過濾器和潤滑器用透明聚碳酸模塑杯規范

And can save lubricant . high - intensity wool applied to lubricators make them durable , good containg 案且陸續還在其它國家申請,在產品品質使用上更能

Towing wire lubricator 拖纜加油器

Air line lubricator 空氣管路潤滑器

Pressured extreme lubricator 極壓潤滑劑

Sheet configuration designed for easy maintenace . lubricators with filte for recirculating use 使客戶多一層保障與肯定。