
luau n.1. 〔夏威夷語〕 夏威夷宴會〔一般有娛樂節目〕。 ...


Lilo and her pal stitch from the disney film lilo stitch have invited the disney characters and the guests to a cheerful luau at the polynesian terrace restaurant 迪士尼動畫星際寶貝的莉蘿,邀約米奇美妮等迪士尼卡通人物以及大家來參加她的夏威夷式歡樂聚餐。

Peter macmannus : well , i hope you enjoyed it . . . because unless you found nazis hiding at your luau , you ' re fired 好吧,我希望你過得很開心,因為除非是你發現納粹分子藏在你的宴會中,不然的話你就被開除了!

At lunchtime , lilo throws a luau for the other disney characters and the guests , with stitch helping out , of course , in lilos luau fun 除了有現場的樂隊,米奇美妮等迪士尼卡通人物也將為您載歌載舞

Peter macmannus : there were nazis hiding at your luau ! i knew you ' d do it ! what do you got for me , catch ? what doou got 真有納粹分子在宴會上!我就知道你能行!給我帶來些什么,凱奇?搞到了些啥?

At a hawaiian luau , you can enjoy a delicious meal of pork , poi , fish and fruit 在夏威夷烤豬餐宴上,你可以享受一頓可口的晚餐,包括豬肉、夏威夷芋泥餅、魚和水果。

Attend a luau ( feast ) at one of the resorts to see the dances and hear legends of kauai 在其中的一個勝地,參加夏威夷式宴會,觀看舞蹈,并欣賞考艾島的美妙音樂。

Catcher block : i took the bossa nova triplets to cocoa beach . nasa was throwing a luau 我帶了那巴薩諾瓦三姐妹去了咳咳海灘,航天航空局在那兒開夏威夷宴會。

Later , a hawaiian i met on my first night in honolulu invites me to a luau 之后,我到達檀香山當晚所認識的一個夏威夷人邀請我參加烤豬野宴。

. . . why we were not able to attend your little luau , barn dance , whatever it is . . .為什么我們不能參加這個小小的舞會谷倉舞會,隨便什么

Why we were not able to attend your little luau , barn dance , whatever it is .為什么我們不能參加這個小小的舞會谷倉舞會,隨便什么

Lilos luau fun 游樂設施娛樂表演

We were thinking of going with the whole luau thing . so it ' s what ' s happening 我們是在一起考慮整個婚宴的事情就是這些情況

Hawaii s largest luau shows with sunset on a private beachfront setting 夏威夷另一面的風貌,展現出美麗的鄉野風情。

Well , shit . i ' m gonna needsomebody to run luau night tomorrow 哦,媽的.我需要有人來主持明天晚上的盧奧之夜

Yeah , great . sam , will you run luau night ? - sure . can do 啊,很好.薩姆,你能主持盧奧之夜嗎? -當然.可以

- yeah , great . sam , will you run luau night ? - sure . can do -啊,很好.薩姆,你能主持盧奧之夜嗎? -當然.可以

Larry : how about a luau 賴瑞:夏威夷式的派對如何?

Uh , yeah , sure . io ' ll run luau night 啊,那晚上我來做吧

- they ' ll probably have a hell of a luau . - i mean to walter -他們也許會開個狂歡露奧晚宴-我是指沃爾特