
lst LST = landing ship, tank 坦克登...


Based on the theory of retrieving lst through satellite remote - sensing and the characters of semi - tropical climate , topography , vegetation and the noaa / avhrr data in guangxi , the split - window algorithms for retrieving the lst from space , including the kerr algorithm , the becker & li algorithm , the qin algorithm , the franca & cracknell algorithm and some others , were analyzed and compared 根據利用衛星遙感資料反演lst的理論方法,結合廣西現有的衛星資料及亞熱帶氣候、地貌、植被等特點,對國內外的kerretal算法、 becker & li算法、 qinetal算法和franca & cracknell算法等10多種反演lst的分裂窗算法及其相關的參數估算方法進行了適用性分析,得出采用輻射率模型中的beckerandli算法計算廣西白天的lst比較適用。

Abstract : taking lst mine of ping dingshan mining bureau as an example , the paper judges the security of electric locomotive transportation system comprehensively with the fuzzy method . it finds out some existing problems in man , machine , environment which affects system security . on the basis of it , some corresponding countermeasures to improve the security of electric locomotive transportation system are put forward 文摘:以平頂山煤業集團公司一礦為例,運用模糊數學的方法,對電機車運輸系統的安全性進行了模糊綜合評判,指出了影響安全的人、機、環境各因素中存在的問題,并提出了相應的提高安全性的措施。

For the cloudy region , the pixel values were substituted by the image data of same period and close time after being calculated . the calculation was based on the correlation of clear sky image with cloudy . at last , clear - sky day - time - averaged lst image of guangxi were made 再對該原圖進行云剔除,并選擇與原圖時相最接近的實況樣本,用統計回歸方法進行相幅間的數值補償,由此剔除原圖中的云區,最終制作生成廣西全境白天千米空間尺度的lst平均圖。

To configure which aspects apply to the system , you must add or remove them from an inclusion list that is passed to the compiler , via the ide support or a “ . lst “ inclusion file if you re working in the ant environment or on the command line 要對在系統中應用哪個方面進行配置,必須把它們加入包含列表或從中刪除,包含列表會傳遞給編譯器,可以通過ide支持傳遞包含列表,如果正在ant環境或命令行進行工作,也可以通過“ . lst ”包含文件傳遞。

The lst sigle stage time delay unit is a solid state device which delays the operation of an electrical circuit for a preset period . it has been designed for use with contactors on stepped control systems for electric motors such as are used on electric vehicles Lst延遲開關可以很簡單又容易的控制電動車電路系統之預定延遲時間;并可配合連接電磁接觸器來逐步控制行走馬達,可以幫助您省略控制電路板與加速器之損壞費用。

In hst beneath the boundary have good interconnecting sand body , poor lateral sealing , and no oil shows ; in lst and tst above it have delta distributary channel sand reservoir with serious heterogeneity and good lateral sealing , being oil layer 界面之下的高水位體系域砂體連通性好、側向封堵不好、不含油,層序界面之上的低水位體系域及水進體系域三角洲分流河道砂體儲集層非均質性強、側向封堵條件好、含油。

Shouguang sunshine real estate management co . , ltd . was set up on april lst , 2004 . 30 employees work for the company in 7 departments of water supply and electronic maintenance , guards , cleaning , clinic , supermarkets , kindergarten , and activity centre 壽光陽光物業管理有限公司成立于2004年4月1日,共有員工30人,公司下設水電工程維護、保安、保潔、衛生室、超市、幼兒園、活動中心七個部門。

Shouguang sunshine real estate management co . , ltd . was set up on april lst , 2004 . 40 employees work for the company in 7 departments of water supply and electronic maintenance , guards , cleaning , clinic , supermarkets , kindergarten , and activity centre 壽光陽光物業管理有限公司成立于2004年4月1日,共有員工30人,公司下設水電工程維護、保安、保潔、衛生室、超市、幼兒園、活動中心七個部門。

The referenced standard of year - averaged lst was obtained by averaging these statistical boilerplate values . the result indicated that the real - time lst image was representative of the con - esponding area in guangxi 據此對所有歷史lst實況圖像中與參照模板對應的區域進行普查,找出對應區域與參照模板最接近的一幅實況圖,從而得到lst平均圖的原圖。

4 . under the directional solidification , either sub - or hyper - eutectic alloys , with the increase of growth rate , the lst dendritic arm spacing decreases and 2st dendritic arm spacing is restrained to some extent 4定向凝固條件下,隨著凝固速率的增加,無論亞共晶合金或過共晶合金,一次枝晶間距減小,二次枝晶生長得到不同程度的抑制。

One of the main contents of continental sequence stratigraphy is dividing the three - order sequence into “ lst , tst and hst “ , representing three stages of a lake basin deposition 摘要陸相層序地層學的一個主要內容是將三級層序劃分為“低水位體系域、湖進體系域和高水位體系域”等三個水位域沉積體系,分別代表著一個湖盆沉積的三個階段。

It has theoretical and practical importance significant to study russia ' s rise in the future , which can help us draw up strategies for the 2 lst century international politics and for coping with russia 研究俄羅斯未來復興的可能性與局限,對于制定我國21世紀國際政治戰略和對俄戰略,具有重要的理論和實際意義。

Secondly , the day - time - pixel lst was employed to the becker & li algorithm , and to convert the numerical lst value to grey . thirdly , the real - time lst images of guangxi were obtained 進而,將各相關通道的光譜數據代入beckerandli算法公式中,計算出廣西白天各像素的lst值。

This mystery - tinged “ martial arts world “ epic was one of director chu yuan and novelist ku lung s lst together for the shaw studios , but its another action - filled winner 1981年,古熱潮仍在蔓延時,導演楚原再下一城,把陸小鳳故事中最為人津津樂道之決戰紫禁之巔搬上大銀幕。

( 2 ) the russia ' s dream of superpower in 2 lst century is difficult to realize . ( 3 ) after rise russia will become an i 論文最后歸納了以下三個問題:俄羅斯復興任重道遠, 21世紀俄羅斯難圓超級大國之夢,復興后的俄羅斯將成為世界多極化格局的重要一極。

Hence , tracing this boundary and searching for the delta distributary channel sands in lst and tst will be the key for petroleum exploration in this area 厘定追蹤該界面并尋找該界面之上的低水位體系域和水進體系域的三角洲分流河道砂體是勘探的關鍵。

This mystery - tinged “ martial arts world “ epic was one of director chu yuan and novelist ku lung s lst together for the shaw studios , but its another . . 1981年,古熱潮仍在蔓延時,導演楚原再下一城,把陸小鳳. .

In visual basic 6 . 0 , files can be marked for registration during installation by manually editing the setup . lst file 在visual basic 6 . 0中,可通過手動編輯setup . lst文件在安裝期間將文件標記為注冊。

Enclosed please find a cheque for $ 100 , 500 in settlement of the call loan granted to us on the lst may 為歸還貴方5月1日提供給我方的通知貸款,謹奉上面額為100 , 500元的支票一張,敬請查收為荷。