
lss LSS = landing ship, support ...


But the results also indicate that there is a kind of sequence sets in which one or more than one of the sequences share two or more than two similar conserved region and that the alignment of those sets is not as good as other sets produced by lss - dca 結果表明, lss一dca快速產生質量較好的對齊,但對含有兩個以_ e相似的相似片段的序列集的對齊不理想。此外, lss一dca對內存的要求也較高。

In this paper , we present a new alignment method ( lss - dca ) that combines the advantages of the dca method and progressive method , and that balances the speed and the quality better 在本文中,我們提出了一種新的多序列對齊算法lss - dca 。 lss - dca結合了dca方法和漸近方法的優點,達到了計算速度和對齊質量的較好平衡。

The frequency upshifting and differential cross section of the laser synchrotron source ( lss ) are studied based on the thomson backscattering of intense laser radiation from a counterstreaming relativistic electron 摘要研究了逆流相對論電子與激光脈沖相互作用獲得激光同步輻射的頻率上移、微分散射截面等特性。

Lss - dca employs a simplified but very strict progressive method to localize the obvious longest similarity segments ( lss ) in the sequences and then cut the sequences at the two terminals of lss Lss - dca采用了一種簡化的但十分嚴格的漸近方法來計算序列中顯而易見的最長相似片段( lss ) 。

The progressive method to compute lsses is so strictly that it is very possible to find no lss in sequences , which leads to fail of dca procedure 這種嚴格的漸近算法十分可能導致不能發現序列集中的相似片段,這將導致dca過程不能進行下去。

Several examples are shown and the alignment results produced by lss - dca are compared systematically to the results of six other alignment programs 用幾個序列數據對lss一dca程序進行驗證,對齊結果與其它的6個對齊程序進行比較。

A final msa is obtained by filling the intervals between localized lsses with the counterpart sequences segments in original sequences or gaps 最后,以原序列集中相對應的序列片段或空格填充lss之間的空隙,得到全序列集的對齊。

All participants completed demographic data , leadership scale for sport ( lss ) , and intrinsic motivation questionnaire ( imi ) during non competition period 在非比賽期間填寫,基本資料、教練領導行為量表與內在動機量表。

The prefixes and suffixes of lss are recursively processed with the same way until all lsses are detected and aligned 并在lss兩端切斷序列集, lss兩邊的短序列集重復進行相同的處理過程,直到所有的lss被找出并被對齊。

An implementation of lss - dca is developed and the time and memory requirement of the program are assessed 我們用visua1c +十開發了基于lss一dca思想的計算機程序,并測試了lss一dca程序的計算時間和內存要求。

The clustering is iterative until all sequences are classified into different groups that can be found lss easly 這種聚類過程也是重復進行的,直至所有的序列被歸入相應的類而適合橫向dca處理。

Communications services as lss , node guarding , heartbeat , synchronous and asynchronous data transmission are supported 支持lss節點監視“心跳”通訊同步或異步數據傳輸等通信服務。

In this case , lss - dca aligned the sequences with the same way as clustalw 在這種情況下, lss - dca的策略就不起作用,只采用clustalw對齊序列。

Loss of sequence synchronisation lss 同步序列丟失