
lsd LSD = lysergic acid diethyla...


Bond star sean connery took lsd to help deal with the pressure of fame , his ex - wife claims . diane cilento said a psychiatrist gave him the mind - bending drug because he felt insecure and stressed after becoming a worldwide star 由于出演007詹姆士邦德而全球聞名后,康納利內心產生了強烈的不安全感和緊張感,為此精神病醫生為他開出了一些治療精神錯亂的藥物。

Documents reveal he used thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary subjects to test paralytic drugs , hallucinogens including lsd and electro - convulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times normal power 檔案揭露了他曾用了數千不知情者,包括志愿對象,用以測試癱瘓病人藥物,迷幻劑包括lsd和電休克療法,這比正常的比率高出30到40倍。

Diane cilento said a psychiatrist gave him the mind - bending drug because he felt insecure and stressed after becoming a worldwide star . connery was allegedly prescribed lsd after appearing in the third 007 film goldfinger in 1964 在1964年出演了第3部007電影金手指之后,康納利開始服用迷幻藥lsd 。

She related her awkwardness to a break - up with her boyfriend , or perhaps to earlier experiments with drugs - “ mostly cannabis , but some amphetamines and lsd “ 她認為她的心理障礙與她同男友分手有關,或者可能是她早年嘗試毒品的結果? “主要是大麻,不過還有一些安非他明和lsd (麥角酸二乙基酰胺) 。 ”

The following table gives an initial high - level mapping between the principles of lsd and the fundamental benefits it brings to the development and delivery of a soa in the context of the agile methods 下表給出了lsd原則與其在敏捷方法的環境中帶給soa開發和交付的基本好處之間的初始高級映射。

Perhaps most startling of all is that alcohol , solvents and tobacco ( all unclassified drugs ) are rated more dangerous than ecstasy , 4 - mta and lsd ( all class a drugs ) 報告的結論駭人聽聞:酒精、有機溶劑、和香煙的危害性,分別超過搖頭丸、 4 - mta 、和lsd (后者皆屬一級毒品) 。

It ' s a curve , but its a nasty , wiggly line that looks more like the trail of a worm on lsd than it does like any curve worthy of the name 它是一條曲線,但它是一條沒有固定模式的,波動的線,就好像吃了迷幻藥的蟲子的尾巴一樣的曲線,而不是任何一條已經知名的曲線。

In the remainder of this article , we quickly review the seven principles and some of the tools for example , ideas written in italics in the following text of lsd 本文的其余部分將快速回顧lsd的七個原則和一些工具(例如,下文中用斜體列出的思想) 。

A real time control protocol for simplex applications using lsd hsd mlp channels of the fram structue for a 64to 1920kbit s channel in audiovisual teleservices 采用視聽電信業務中64 1920kbit s信道幀結構的lsd hsd mlp信道單工應用的實時控制協議

Cilento said the lsd made connery , who was then 25 , so ill he spent days in bed recovering . it also dredged up memories of his tough childhood in edinburgh 塞萊托說,致幻藥的副作用讓時年25歲的康納利病得很嚴重,以至于在床上躺了數天后才康復。

But this was only the first assessment , and after having written our article , we can state that there is an emulsifier , namely the principles of lsd 但這僅僅是初步估計,在寫完本文之后,我們可以聲明存在一種乳化劑,即lsd的原則。

As we have shown in our series , a soa can greatly benefit from the well - documented principles of agile software practices and lsd 正如我們在本系列中展示的, soa可以從敏捷軟件實踐和lsd的已證明有效的原則中獲得極大的好處。

The foundations of lsd lie within the standards set for lean manufacturing by organizations such as toyota , dell , and wal - mart Lsd的基礎就在于諸如toyota 、 dell和wal - mart這些組織所采用的一組“精益生產”標準。

Art linkletter received our first “ scars into stars “ award when his daughter committed suicide under the influence of lsd given to her at a party ?亞特在女兒因服迷幻藥自殺后,獲得了我們首個傷痕之星獎。

Selects one of the cluster members by using the wlm plug - in in the lsd ; the lsd then returns a direct ior to the specific cluster member 選擇一個集群成員;然后lsd將直接的ior返回給特定的集群成員。

So , to conclude , we would state that in the context of soa and the lsd principles , “ oil and water do mix “ 所以,最后我們將聲明,在soa和lsd原則的上下文中, “油和水確實可以溶合” !

The all - time champ here though , dock ellis , who threw a no - hitter back in 1970 on lsd 但是靠禁藥舞弊的第一等高手是達克艾利斯,他在一九七年靠lsd迷幻藥投出一場無安打比賽。

Connery was allegedly prescribed lsd after appearing in the third 007 film goldfinger in 1964 在1964年出演了第3部007電影金手指之后,康納利開始服用迷幻藥lsd 。

Remember that in the past cia mind control experiments have involved lsd as well as electro - shock treatment 記得cia過去精神控制試驗卷入了lsd和電擊治療試驗。