
lrv 短語和例子LRV =1.lunar roving veh...


In the processing of the numerical simulation of lrv dynamics , knowing from the creepages of irw first , wheel profile has sensitive effect on irw creepages , so the wheel profile should be selected cautiously to optimal the vehicle dynamic behaviors . next , the longitudinally creep force is disappeared , so the self - oscillation vvill do n ' t occur and the bogie is stability . while the natural steering action of vheelset is lost which means that some sort of steering action is necessary to keep the wheelset appropriately aligned on a curve 在輕軌車輛動力學數字仿真計算中,通過對獨立旋轉車輪蠕滑率的分析知,車輪踏面外形對其影響十分敏感,適當的選取獨立旋轉車輪踏面的外形可以優化車輛的動力學性能;采用獨立旋轉車輪,縱向蠕滑力不復存在,自激振動不會發生,轉向架也就穩定;但同時,常規輪對具有的自動導向功能西南交通大學碩士研究生學位論文第11頁也失去了。

Additional , by comparing with conventional bogie , it is discovered smaller lateral body acceleration , but sticks to one rail trends and high vvorn values because of guided by vvheel flange . it should be referred that these results are only useful to special simulation model of lrv with irws in this paper 此外,通過與常規轉向架進行比較發現,獨立旋轉車輪車輛車體橫向加速度較小,但有貼靠軌道一邊行駛的傾向,且由于靠輪緣導向,使得獨立旋轉車輪轉向架的整車磨耗比傳統輪對轉向架的略大一些。

The products of the joint venture company mainly include : to make full use of the advanced technical stage provided by both parent companies to design for its clients and manufacture air - conditioning systems of all kinds of railway vehicles , such as the air - conditioning systems , hydraulic pressure systems and other accessory products of locomotive , railway passenger , subway , lrv and high - speed train 合資公司的主要產品是:利用雙方母公司提供的先進技術為平臺,為客戶設計、制造各類鐵路的車用車輛空調系統,如:機車、鐵路客車、地鐵、輕軌、高速列車的車用空調系統、液壓控制系統和其它附屬產品。

In this paper , the author starts with seeking the difference betvveen traditional vehicles and lrvs , the lateral simulated model of single independently wheelset is built , and enlarge it to lateral simulated model of the whole lrv 本文從尋求獨立旋轉車輪輕軌車輛與常規車輛的差異入手,建立了單獨立輪對橫向動力學仿真模型,然后將其擴展到整個輕軌車橫向動力學仿真模型。

The dynamic performances of the lateral response , lateral stability on the tangent track and dynamic negotiating curves of lrv with irws are discussed in detail , also comparing dynamic behaviors with conventional passenger cars 對獨立旋轉車輪輕軌車輛的橫向響應、橫向穩定性和曲線通過性能進行了較為詳細的研究,并與常規客車的動力學性能進行了比較。

Ticket inspections are carried out inside lrv compartments and at platforms , please ensure that you travel with a validated octopus card or a valid single ride ticket ready to present it for inspection 乘客必須持已確認之八達通卡或有效輕鐵單程票乘車。客運助理會在輕鐵車廂及月臺查票,在查票時乘客請即時出示車票,交予職員查驗。

In this paper , aimed at the map - matching based global localization of lrv , digital lunar map reconstruction techniques are studied , some methods are proposed and implemented 本文面向基于地圖匹配的月球車全局定位問題,研究了月面三維地圖重建的相關技術。

Cr light rail announced that two crystal model sets of the phase iii light rail vehicle ( lrv ) will be available for sale from 21 october ( thursday ) 廣輕鐵將于十月二十一日(星期四)公開發售兩款第三期輕鐵水晶列車模型,分別為標準版及精裝版。

Lrv fuel shall be diesel oil or a mixture containing up to 20 % of biodiesel , with tank layout capable of ensuring a minimum autonomy of 800 ( eight hundred ) kilometers 輕軌車燃料為柴油或含有20 %生物柴油的混合油。油箱容量應確保列車運行800公里。

The lrv to be constructed shall comprise 3 ( three ) cars with motor and trailer bogies . cars located at the ends of the vehicle shall have driver cabs 每列輕軌車由裝有動力轉向架和拖車轉向架的三輛車組成。每列輕軌車的頭/尾車有司機室。

A total of 119 light rail vehicles ( lrvs ) run along light rail , which operates for 19 hours each day . each lrv can accommodate more than 200 passengers 輕鐵每日運作十九小時,車隊現有一百一十九部輕鐵車輛,每部可載客二百馀人。

The composition of the brake system , the two - grade hydraulic braking equipment and the proportionally adjusting parts adopted in lrv , are explained 具體說明了制動系統組成,以及采用的兩級液壓制動裝置與比例控制液壓制動裝置。

For the navigation of lunar exploration rover ( or lunar rover vehicle , lrv ) , localization is one of the most important problem 定位技術是月面巡視探測器(簡稱月球車)導航與控制的一項關鍵技術。

Supplying parts catalogs , lrv and systems thereof maintenance and operation manuals and data book , all in portuguese 以葡萄牙語提供部件目錄、輕軌車和系統的維護和操作手冊、數據手冊。

On board an lrv , you should move inside . do not obstruct the passage or door 登車后盡量走到車廂中間,不要阻塞通道或車門。

At a platform , you should queue up behind the yellow line while waiting for an lrv 在月臺上,乘客應在黃后面排隊候車。

Crossing light rail vehicle lrv tracks 橫過輕鐵路軌

Oh , really . name your price , lrv 真的?爾夫,你開個價吧!

Always let people alight first before you board the lrv 列車到站后,應先讓車上乘客下車才登車。