
lr LR =liquid rocket 液體燃料火箭。


The transparency of network ffi ill n remf4 % r $ x # isr % lr # { tritx connection often results in the dependency of the souxce node and the dependency of ipc communication has the great opposite effect on the performance of migrant 網絡連接的透明性要求常常導致進程的源節點剩余相關性, ipc通信源節點剩余相關性對遷移進程的性能有著巨大的負面影響。

When the concentration is low ( < 50 mm ) , nitrate only influences lr development , and has no effect on primary root . but at higher concentration , nitrate obviously inhibits primary root elongation 在濃度相對較低的條件下( 50mm )硝酸根只影響側根生長,而對主根沒有明顯影響;隨著濃度的提高,硝酸根對主根的延伸也起到了明顯的抑制作用。

Super - resolution ( sr ) image fusion is the technology of reconstructing a frame of image with high resolution from a group of warped , blurred and noised low - resolution ( lr ) images or video sequence about the same scene 超分辨率圖像融合就是利用同一場景的多幀有相互位移的降質圖像或視頻序列來重建一幀高分辨率圖像的技術。

On the basis of quantitative analysis of 3 microcystin variants : mc - lr , mc - rr and mc - yr by hplc , the relationships between microcystin and biomass , water temperature and nutrients ( i . e . n , p ) were discussed 在調查的基礎上,討論了微囊藻毒素各異構體在全年水華中的變化及其與水華生物量、水溫、氮磷等之間的關系。

The result shows : microcystis produced all 3 variants of microcystin , but the content of mc - rr was much larger than mc - lr and mc - yr . in most cases , mc - yr content was rather low for hplc analysis 結果表明,富營養化池塘中微囊藻均產生3種異構體,但mc - rr的含量遠大于其他兩種異構體, mc - yr在全年中檢出率很低。

At the temperature level of - 60 ? , verious experiments are conducted on the cycles of lhr , acr _ i , acr _ r , with two component mixed refrigerants . the results are consistent with that of the numerical optimization 在即溫度位,對利用二元混合工質組元的mr 、 “凡i和北lr循環分別進行了實驗優化研究。

Abstract : in order to obtain the grammar relations between the words in chinese sentences and analyze chinese correctly , the authors present an extended lr algorithm based on phrases in this paper 文摘:為了獲取漢語詞語之間的語法關系,以達到準確分析漢語的目的,文章給出了一種基于詞組的擴充的lr分析方法

Among the four sources of pai , the income from household business operation ( hbi ) is most important , while the laborers “ remuneration ( lr ) will increase gradually in the proportion in pai 在農民純收入的四項來源中,家庭經營收入的份額最大,但工資性收入在農民純收入中的比重呈逐年上升趨勢。 4

In fairness , john aycock has pointed out to me that the earley parsing algorithm used by spark is far more general than simpler lr algorithms , and therein lies much of the slowness 公平地講, john aycock已經向我指出, spark使用的earley解析算法比更簡單的lr算法全面得多,這是它速度慢的主要原因。

Hong kong s rail system comprises a heavily utilised urban railway ( the mass transit railway - mtr ) , a busy suburban railway ( the kowloon - canton railway - kcr ) , and the light rail ( lr ) 現有鐵路系統包括使用量極高的市區鐵路(地下鐵路) 、繁忙的近郊鐵路(九廣鐵路)及輕便鐵路。

Excite - the magnetic wave energy is generated the lr far infrared ray molecule resonance . to cause the heat - lead reaction ; excite the nature resistance ; strengthen the ell antibody 運用遠紅外線微粒分子共振所產生的磁波能量,而引起誘熱反應,刺激自然抵抗能力、增進細胞抗體。

In chinese contemporary art , lso many works are societal conce j art . hy do you choos tthis path and 6355031 perspective thaq seems to b lr no relation tovconceptual art 江:在中國當代藝術有很多作品都是社會性的觀念藝術,你為什么選擇這種似乎與觀念藝術無關的角度和思路?

Our main results are listed as follows : theorem 2 . 4 let 0 < < 1 , n / n + , 1 / q = 1 / p - / n , and lr ( sn - 1 ) with r > n / n - be homogeneous of degree zero on rn 把本文分為5章。本文的第二章討論的是分數次積分算子在弱hardy空間中的有界性,主要定理如下:定理2

Nitrate regulates lr development . on one hand , nitrate is necessarily for lr development , on the other hand , high level of nitrate inhibites lr growth 硝酸根是影響側根發生的重要因素,一方面,硝酸根對于側根發生必不可少,而硝酸根濃度過高則又抑制了側根的發生。

Lr , operated in the north west new territories , is fully accessible to wheelchair users in a sense that all stations are equipped with ramps from street to the platform 九廣輕鐵乃行走新界西北部的交通工具,所有車站均設有斜坡,方便輪椅使用者前往月臺。

A series of transfer experiments are carried out to study the effects of flavonoid on lr development at the most suitable nitrate concentration ( 0 . 2 mm ) 我們在最適合側根發生的硝酸根濃度( 0 . 2mm )條件下,通過轉移實驗來研究類黃酮對于側根發生的影響。

Wrap lr - caf in the fuel - entering pipe . the improved function is more outstanding as the installing position more near the engine 一、于安裝包覆油管(進油管)時,安裝之位置愈接近引擎功效愈佳(一般而言以油軌先行包扎,剩余部分則包扎進油管) 。

The analysis of lr and raman spectrum indicated that the amino - group doping cl - c : h films deposited at low power had possessed completely disorder structure 紅外光譜、喇曼光譜分析表明,在低沉積功率條件下制備的摻胺膜具有完全無序態結構。

Wrap lr - caf in the fuel - entering pipe . the improved function is more outstanding as the installing position more near the engine 于安裝包覆油管(進油管)時,安裝之位置愈接近引擎功效愈佳(一般而言以油軌先行包扎,剩馀部份則包扎進油管) 。