
lozenge n.1.菱形。 lozenge effect [moti...


This thesis introduce the conception of the theory of frame of the extension logic , the theory of extension convene , the conception of matter element and the theory of matter change systematically . the lozenge thinking method in the extension logic is discussed in detail ; the method how to establish relation function is discussed in detail ; the important characters of relation function in extension control are discussed in detail ; according to study the extension controller , extension control ways based on different character variable is given . by the simulative study , the conclusion can give the direction on engineering practice 本論文系統地介紹了可拓學的理論框架、可拓集合論、物元的概念、物元變換的理論;重點闡述了可拓學中的菱形思維方法、關聯函數的建立方法以及關聯函數在可拓控制中的幾個重要性質;最后對可拓控制器進行研究,提出了幾種基于不同特征量的可拓控制方案,并進行了仿真研究,得出了對實際控制工程有指導意義的結論。

Main products : screens , automatic screen windows , stainless steel net , copper networks , side eye network , whose network , lujuewang , lozenge network , qi ye guo , screen filters , in addition to receiving export orders , but also to be accepted from assembly production and processing operations , product quality and reliable , sell to distant places in europe and america , southeast asia and hong kong and macao regions 主要產品有:窗紗、自動紗窗、不銹鋼網、銅網、方眼網、電焊網、六角網、菱形網、氣液過濾網等絲網,除承接出口商品訂貨外,還接受來函來樣裝配生產及加工業務,產品質量可靠,遠銷歐美、東南亞及港澳地區。

Always “ quality artistic work of high order , the credibility of everything “ principle , after the market tests , after decades of operation and development , now has a variety of electric network machines netmesh plane investigate aircraft more than 100 sets of employees more than 200 people , the products have proceeded network , lozenge network , transmission networks belt , stainless steel wire net , stainless steel net , stainless steel legs network lujuewang . galvanized side eye network , roads hulanwang , screens series of a dozen varieties 始終以“質量上乘,信譽至上“為原則,歷經了市場嚴峻的考驗,經過幾十年的經營和發展,目前擁有各種電焊網機,織網機,軋花機等百余臺套,員工200多人,所生產的產品有軋花網、菱形網、輸送網帶、不銹鋼電焊網、不銹鋼網、不銹鋼異形網,六角網,鍍鋅方眼網、公路護欄網,窗紗系列等十幾個品種。

Yes , rendering obsolete popguns , elastic airbladders , games of hazard , catapults . they comprised astronomical kaleidoscopes exhibiting the twelve constellations of the zodiac from aries to pisces , miniature mechanical orreries , arithmetical gelatine lozenges , geometrical to correspond with zoological biscuits , globemap playingballs , historically costumed dolls 就是要把紙槍橡膠浮囊擲骰子游戲和彈弓排斥出去其中包括展示白羊宮乃至雙魚宮這十二宮星座的天體萬花筒小型機械裝置的太陽系儀算術用菱形果子凍相當于動物餅干的幾何圖形餅干游戲用地球儀皮球身穿歷史服裝的玩偶。

At six leagues from marseilles , after having eaten some of the lozenges he is accustomed to take , he fell into such a deep sleep , that it appeared to me unnatural ; still i hesitated to wake him , although i fancied that his face was flushed , and that the veins of his temples throbbed more violently than usual 我們離開馬賽十八哩路時,他吃了他常服的金錠丹以后,就沉沉睡去。我覺得他睡的有點不自然,可是我又不敢喊醒他,我覺得他的臉色好像變紅了,他的太陽穴上的血管跳得比平常厲害。

2 . the tectonic framework in the basin presents the lozenge patterns which are consist of the w - e structural belts and nw - se structural belts . the w - e structural belts are primary , and that the nw - se structural belts are the transfer belts related to the former 認為盆地內構造變形具有南北分帶、東西分塊的菱形格局特征,盆地以東西向的擠壓沖斷構造帶為主,北西向構造帶是一個與東西向擠壓構造帶伴生的構造變換帶,主要在變形過程中起調節作用。

Lysozyme chloride powder has a wide area of application , such as food preserving ( cheese , low degree wine ) , pharmaceutical industry ( tablets , capsules , eyedrops , throat lozenges ) , daily chemicals ( tooth paste , cosmetics ) , baby food ( milk powder ) and scientific research 蛋清溶菌酶在食品保鮮(特別是奶酪,清酒生產) ,醫藥(藥片,膠囊,眼藥水,潤喉液) ,日化(牙膏,化妝品) ,嬰兒食品(母乳化奶粉)及科學研究中有著廣泛的應用。

Hengxing screen factory established in 1978 , is the first productive anpingxian investigate network and the network lozenge manufacturers throughout the network and lozenge investigate network manufacturers are launched from my plants 恒興絲網廠創建于1978年,是安平縣最早從事生產軋花網和菱形網的廠家,全縣的軋花網和菱形網的生產廠家都是從我廠發起。

He slowly , silently climbed the incline to the hall . then he came round the great trees at the top of the knoll , on to the drive , which made a grand sweep round a lozenge of grass in front of the entrance 緩慢地,靜默的,他攀登那小山坡向著大廈走去,他走到了山攝,繞過那結大樹,踏上了繞著大廈門前那塊菱形的草地,而直達門口的那條大路。

Monte cristo opened the tortoise - shell box , which the lady presented to him , and inhaled the odor of the lozenges with the air of an amateur who thoroughly appreciated their composition 基督山打開了那年輕婦人遞給他的那只玳瑁盒子,嗅了嗅那些藥錠的氣味,臉上的神態表明他雖是一個業余藥劑師,卻完全了解這些藥的成份。

Treatments . they attack dependency in the brain instead of just replacing the nicotine from cigarettes in a less harmful way , like the gum , lozenges 這種疫苗可以阻止尼古丁入侵大腦,從而使人們在吸煙時感受不到任何樂趣,從而達到戒煙的效果。

The advancement of kiln - firing techniques led to the production of high - fired hard pottery ware , with geometric patterns such as double - fs , spirals and lozenges 他們已能燒制大型的硬陶器,并飾以精美的幾何圖紋如夔紋、云雷紋、菱格紋等。

He could already see the two magnificent beeches which stood in this big level lozenge in front of the house , detaching themselves darkly in the dark air 門前那大草坪上矗立著的兩株大山毛梯樹,在夜色中陰暗地浮出,他都看得清楚了。

It aims to relieve symptoms . drugs commonly used are anti - fever medicine , anti - cough syrup , expectorants , common cold medicine and throat - soothing lozenges 常用的藥物包括:退燒鎮痛藥、止咳劑、化痰劑、傷風藥和潤喉糖。

Products overview : original extra strong lozenges 、 super strong mint lozenges 、 sugar free lemon lozenges 、 sugar free mint lozenges 產品簡介:原味、特強薄荷、健怡檸檬(不含糖份) 、健怡薄荷(不含糖份)等味的世界著名潤喉糖。

The passage and chamber stones are also richly engraved with spiral , lozenge and zigzag motifs 走廊和內廳的石頭上也被刻上了豐富的螺旋形、菱形和鋸齒形的圖案。

Here are some lozenges which i have made up on purpose ; they are compounded doubly strong . 這幾支就是特地為我配制的藥錠,它們的藥性都是加倍強烈的。 ”

Lozenge - honesty and constancy , also held to be a token of noble birth 菱形誠實和堅定,這也被認為是他作為貴族而與生俱來的天賦。

I ' m going to prescribe a bottle of gargle solution and a packet of sucking lozenges 今天我要給您開一瓶漱口藥和一包含化糖錠。