
loxodrome n.1.【航海】斜航;斜駛線。2.【天文學】恒向線。


Disigning coolant channel on the firebox of liquid rocket engine to loxodrome ( equal - angle helix ) groove can improve firebox coolant capability greatly . because the width dimension of loxodrome groove is narrow and the depth is deep , some machining methods are incapable , such as end - milling or electrochemistry . according to the peculiarities , a cnc disk - cutter - milling method which is composed of five motion axes with four simultaneously interpolated ones is researched . because most firebox generatrix is composed of complex curves , it is very difficult to get cnc cutting program with manual means . in order to deal with the problem , the loxodrome mathematics model is studied , and an auto - programming software system is developed . the software system can generate cnc cutting program of loxodrome on many kinds of turned surface . the constriction - distension segment of firebox is the most representative workpiece . the sharp changing of its generatrix slope makes loxodrome milling difficult . with the theory analyzing and practice cutting experiment , some applied techniques , which include milling mode and direction , choosing cutter diameter and cutting start point setting , are developed . adopting the technology above , tens regular workpiece have been manufacturing . the two - year manufacture practice has confirmed the validity and feasibility of developed loxodrome coolant channel milling method . the developed technology is also worth to be referenced to other similar workpiece 將液體火箭發動機燃燒室的冷卻通道設計為斜航線(等傾角螺旋線)槽形,可以大幅度改善燃燒室的冷卻性能.斜航線冷卻槽的槽寬尺寸較小而槽深尺寸較大,所以無法使用棒銑刀銑削、電化學等加工方式.針對這些特點,提出了五軸控制、四軸聯動的數控片銑刀銑削加工方法.由于燃燒室外表面的母線輪廓復雜,手工編制數控加工程序難度大.為了解決數控加工程序的編制問題,研究了斜航線的數學模型,開發了自動編程軟件系統.使用該系統,可以生成多種母線輪廓回轉體外表面上的斜航線數控加工程序.燃燒室收斂-擴張段的母線斜率變化大,加工難度大,是斜航線冷卻通道加工的最典型工件.經過理論分析和實際切削實驗,研究了針對該類型工件的片銑刀直徑選擇、銑削方式和方向、刀具調整和起刀點的設置等多項實際的加工方案.采用上述的一系列技術,已經成功地加工了數十個合格工件.經過兩年多的實際生產過程應用,驗證了所開發的斜航線冷卻通道加工方法的正確性和可行性.這些加工技術的研制成功,對其他相似類型零件的加工亦具有參考意義

The directrixes of the in former two transmissions are the loxodrome and the geodesic on the pitch cones , that of the latter is an equal - pitch line along the direction of straight generatrixes in the hyperboloid surface , also is the vertical trajectory of the straight generatrixes 前兩種傳動形式的準線分別為節錐面上的斜航線與測地線,后者的準線為單葉雙曲面上沿直母線方向的等螺距曲線,且為直母線族的正交軌線。

On this base , it is studied that the general principle of normal circular - arc gear transmission , and with the instruction of which , the principle and technology of the loxodrome normal circular - arc spiral bevel gear transmission is studied 在這一原理指導下,論文從解析研究與實驗研究結合上,研究了斜航式法向圓弧螺旋錐齒輪傳動技術。

Technology of loxodrome coolant channel machining on liquid rocket engine . yuhang xuebao / journal of astronautics . vol . 24 no . 3 . may , 2003 . wang yongqing , lu jiechi , tong yu 等傾角螺旋槽的片銑刀銑削加工技術.工具技術. 2002年第8期. 2002年8月.王永青,盧杰持