
lox n.液態氧 (=liquid oxygen)。


On the theory , the predictive function control method based on the state space is discussed and the simulation results validate the pfc method ' s advantages on robust and anti - jamming comparing with pid method by computer simulation . the application research includes the application of the software of predictive function control ( apc - pfc ) and the software of the multiple - variables predictive control ( apc - hiecori ) . the former were applied in the temperature control chlorinating process and ph control in the process of zymolysis of penicillin , the latter were applied in the advanced control of reclaim equipment of lox in china petroleum & chemical corporation yangzi petrochemical co . , ltd 本文主要從理論和應用兩方面對預測控制方法進行了研究,理論方面主要是從預測函數控制的基本原理出發,研究了一般情況下的基于狀態空間描述的預測函數控制策略,并通過計算機仿真驗證了pfc算法比常規pid算法具有更好的魯棒性和抗干擾性:在實際工業過程的應用上,又分為兩類算法及軟件的應用,預測函數控制策略及apc - pfc軟件的應用主要以聚乙烯氯化過程的溫度控制和青霉素發酵過程的ph值控制為主,多變量預測控制算法和apc - hiecon軟件的應用主要以揚子石化公司的液化氣回收裝置先進控制為主。

This expression vector plbcas - hsa - lgl has the following advantages : i ) the 1 . 7kb promoter is able to drive cell - specific and hormone - dependent expression ; ii ) the inclusion of intron - 1 can increase expression level of fusion genes ; iii ) the 5 ' utr of bovine p - casein mrna may have a positive role in both transcriptional and post - transcriptional regulation ; iv ) the gfp gene make the selection of positive clone among embryos possible ; v ) the gfp gene can be easily excised via cre - mediated recombination between the two loxp sites after the expression vector has been integrated into chromosome ; vi ) the two incompatible lox sites , loxp and lox2272 , would facilitate cre - recombinase mediated cassette exchange ( rmce ) , which in theory will leading to develop a technology of site - specific gene expression in animal mammary glands 該載體的特點是:具有可以調控外源基因在乳腺中特異表達的牛-酪蛋白基因5 `端側翼區和包括第一外顯子及內含子在內的5 `端調控區;將人血清白蛋白cdna準確地置于牛-酪蛋白基因第二外顯子中的翻譯起始密碼子atg之后,而且沒有增加額外的序列和使人血清白蛋白cdna移碼;引入標記基因gfp ,便于在胚胎期鑒定陽性胚胎,減少受體;引入cre lox重組系統: ( ? )標記基因gfp的兩端的兩個loxp位點可以在表達載體整合到基因組后,刪除標記基因; ( ? )余下的一個loxp位點可以和前面的lox2272位點組成cre重組酶介導的盒式交換系統。

In order to make the whole experimental operation process that foreign genes are introduced into animal bodies and express in high - level be more efficiently and more easily , the cre / lox system was used to select in the chromosome of animal cells . loxp and loxsll sites were synthesized , and cloned into the vector pegfp - 1 , a new vector plox 本實驗擬利用cre lox系統來篩選出友好基因座,即在動物細胞染色體上找到一個可以高效表達外源基因的“友好座位” ,以使外源基因在導入動物體后能夠高效表達的整個實驗技術過程更有效、更容易。

Then some necessary elements such as gfp gene , neo gene were inserted between the loxp site and the loxs 11 site and obtained a new gene targeting vector pioxgfp . on the other hand , the chicken v - ifn cdna was cloned into the vector plox between the loxp site and the lox511 site and got another gene targeting vector ploxifn 合成loxp和lox511位點,將其同方向地克隆到載體pegfp - 1的多克隆位點之內,構建成含有lox位點的通用載體? ? plox ,然后將報告基因gfp及neo基因片段克隆到載體plox上的loxp和lox511序列之間,構建成一基因打靶載體? ploxgfp 。

After the examination of pcr , one non - fluorescent cell clone had the same result as the plasmid ploxifn - a 1000bp product ; another non - fluorescent cell clone showed a 500bp product , a deletion reaction was thought to happen between the two lox sites in the genome under the reaction of cre recombinase so that the gfp gene and neo gene etc were cut 經pcr檢測后,有一個不發光細胞克隆擴增出了與對照質粒ploxifn相同的約1000bp的條帶,表明發生了替換反應;另一個不發光細胞克隆認為是在cre重組酶的作用下其內部自行發生了剪切作用,剪切了gfp基因,從而只擴增出了載體序列和一個lox位點的約500bp的條帶。

From the result , it is feasible to use the cre / lox system to screen friendly gene locus . furthermore , more and more researchers tend to use animal mammary gland bioreactor to highly express foreign genes in the latex 此外,利用動物乳腺生物反應器在乳腺中高效表達外源基因已經成為轉基因動物的研究熱點,這是因為它不僅具有理論研究的價值,而且也有很大的實際應用價值。

The suggestion of speeding up the development of a large thrust lox lh2 engine and taking vigorous action to research advanced propulsion technology are proposed 提出應加快我國大推力氫氧發動機的研制,并積極開展各項先進技術的預先研究工作。

The primers were in the sequence of vector pegfp - 1 outside the lox sites , and the whole sequence of the vector were transfected into the fibroblast cells 引物設計的位置是在loxp和lox511之外的載體序列,整個載體序列都隨轉染而進入細胞。

Abstract : the development of lox lh2 rocket engine in the world is reviewed , and the current situation and differences of the engines in china are analysed 文摘:回顧了各國氫氧發動機的發展概況,對我國的現狀和差距作了比較。

{ lox _ 47 } { what ' s the harm ? ! you little . . . well , i was wrong about you , wasn ' t i ? jasmine , show this merchant ' s boot licker the door {有什么不對? !你個… …算了,我錯看你了,不是嗎?茉莉,把這個商人的走狗請出去!

{ lox _ 67 } { he ' s a gun dealer up in the north part of old town . damn dangerous bloke , some of his hardware ' s a bit too lethal {他是舊城區北部的一個槍商。很他媽危險的家伙,他的一些貨可不是鬧著玩的。

{ lox _ 79 } { most of the poor who work for the merchants live here , in buildings so thin they don ' t block the sun {為商人們工作的窮人住在破到連太陽都擋不住的房子里。

{ lox _ 23 } { well , you made it through my defenses so you certainly have skills . what ' s your name {嗯,你通過了我的防御系統,那么你一定身手不凡。你叫什么?

{ lox _ 27 } { oh , how nice to see you again . do you have a little something for me {啊,再次見到你真高興。你給我帶來什么東西了嗎?

The above discussion on first-stage propellant slosh effects is based on the saturn vehicles, which use kerosene for fuel and lox for oxidizer . 上面對于第一級推進劑晃動影響的討論,是建立在“土星”飛行器的基礎上,它是采用煤油做燃燒劑,液氧做氧化劑。