
lowly adj.(-lier; -liest)1.地位低的;卑下...


But when it comes to epic changes in office life , consider the lowly paper clip 但是說到辦公室劃時代的變革,不得不提到小小的曲別針。

There is a positive attitude here , from the boss down to the lowliest menial 在這里上至老板下至最低微的下人,都有很積極的態度。

For jehovah takes pleasure in his people ; he adorns the lowly with salvation 4因為耶和華喜愛?的百姓; ?用救恩給低微的人作妝飾。

A man ' s pride will bring him low , but he who is of a lowly spirit will obtain honor 23人的驕傲必使他降卑,靈里謙卑的必得尊榮。

One lowly daughter .一個小女兒

Who sets on high those who are lowly and puts those who mourn safely above all 11將卑微的安置在高處,將哀痛的高舉到穩妥之地。

Or a lowly butcher takes up commerce , it upsets the foundations of order 或者一個卑賤的屠夫從事商業國家秩序的根基將不復存在

As an excited member of the beginners ' chorus line , i was aware of my lowly status 能加入初學者的歌舞隊行列,我既興奮又自卑。

“ tell people to take my yoke and learn of me for i am gentle and lowly of heart 告訴人負我的軛,學我的樣式,因為我柔和謙卑。

Because of me , you have to be demoted to be a lowly peasant . is it fine with you 因為我,也許你會被貶為賤民,這樣也沒關系嗎?

“ princess . . . wilt thou be happy , married to a lowly peasant such as i ? 公主. . .嫁給我- -一個低賤的人,你會得到幸福和快樂嗎

Pro 3 : 34 surely he scorneth the scorners : but he giveth grace unto the lowly 箴3 : 34他譏誚那好譏誚的人,賜恩給謙卑的人。

The king of kings lay thus lowly manger ; in all our trials born to be our friends 祈禱的時此時極好,我心脫離俗情煩惱,

Take my yoke upon you ; learn of me for i am gentle and lowly of heart . . . 我心里柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式。

First requests the deposit insurance establishment lowly to pay damages the quota 首先要求存款保險設置較低的賠付限額

She had risen from a lowly beginning to the heights of business and flight 她從低處開始起步,到達了事業與飛行的高峰。

“ take my yoke upon me . learn of me for i am gentle and lowly of heart . 我心里柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式。

A lowly little peanut 一顆毫不起眼的小花生

But when the eyes of the people are on the great sheikh , i am lowly 可是當人們的目光都盯著偉大的酋長時,我是卑下的